Why World of Warcraft Has Become Toxic

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Many people say World of Warcraft(and other popular multiplayer games) have become very toxic, but why? In this video, we analyze just that.

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If you have any suggestions, requests, or just general feedback let me know in the comments.

Why It’s Rude to Suck at WoW by Folding Ideas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKP1I7IocYU
The Fictive and the Imaginary(1993) by Wolfgang Iser

The Wards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4guQY47tzQ
Dragon Roost Island Theme Cover by PPF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Kf9-_ihLrQ
Wii Shop Unused version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORQIXex4Sjs
‘Ambient Gemini’ by McVaffe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFw70Bp4Gj8
FFVII You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet Remix by Arcanuman1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io-BBhYIx1M
Outset Island 8 bit by Bulby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLprA3C9_4Y
Search For Iron by Daniel James Taylor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvY23rAa1L4
Factorio Beyond Factory Outskirts by Daniel James Taylor:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9An1ifcAPU


35 thoughts on “Why World of Warcraft Has Become Toxic”

  1. What I don’t like is the PVP “tuning” aka let’s change shit up every week and never actually get the game balanced because we want our players to keep chasing the dragon of balance we keep selling to them.

  2. Fanboys and gatekeepers make everything toxic. These people think they have a parasocial relationship with whatever they feel they are "superior" at. The Star Wars clip made me laugh because that fan base is probably the absolute worst fan base of all time in terms of entertainment media.

  3. Its somehow funny that u release this video just when i felt i had enough of wow and leave it for good.
    i had a long break of like six years and returned last year to start playing it again. there was alot of content to catch up and it was interesting at a time. But i also noticed that its not really a game were most ppl want to play together anymore. Its feels like everyone want to get everything asap and doesnt care about anything else. Other players are and obstracle and only used to get to that goal. I feel its like ppl are playing a solo game in an mmo. I also get the feeling from blizzards side that its not really about making a good game but just making most money with less effort as possible. Compared to back then Gamemasters arent really helpful anymore and only thing u get to hear is "sry we cant do anything".
    Even more with TWW it seems they released a unfinised game. they had lots of issues with features like warbank, then the scaling and stuff. After release of the new addon u already reached max lv within a few hours just to find urself with nothing much to do beside levling alts or farming mats and waiting for more content being released.
    After experiencing now multiple times that i am joining a raid and in the middle of it getting kicked out out of the blue, for no reason. I decided its enought. No more of my time i wanna waste on something that only gives me negative emotions.

  4. Ok… I don't get the comment filter here. It's deleting my comment and I cant fathom what its finding issue with. So… ill just keep it simple. I'd like to support my view with more words, but whats the point of YT just deletes the comment for no reason?

    It's not veteran players. Its modern ones. And the wow reddit is exactly my biggest source of the issue. It is 1000x worse than it was pre-BFA. Just a ton of hive-minded bandwagoners afraid of even the most benign free thought that does not align with their own.

    For the game itself, ilvl pickyness has been a thing for a long time, but was over exaggerated. That is until newer players demanded M+, got what they wanted, and used that to foster the cesspool of culture. It was not the veteran players! I've been playing since 2005, and liked the game as it was.

  5. got kicked out of a 5 man as healer when no one even died, no one spoke. the bottom line is the system blizzard has put in place has earned them the playerbase, especially when they develop the game around weakauras and bigwigs.

  6. I've been playing wow since original vanilla and around Shadowlands my long-time girlfriend decided to give it a try, which made me really happy. I've been gaming with mostly the same kind of people for 15+ years and my girlfriend decided not to join the guild as a member to not be "that guy's girlfriend", which I think is fine. But during her getting to know the game, she told me how toxic the people in dungeon finder etc were. I couldn't believe it, since that was not my experience at all. But it makes sense, because I've been gaming with the same people for so long and stayed away from all random activities.
    It's really sad, to be honest.

  7. I remember getting raged at during a normal (not mythic, not even heroic, normal) dungeon in Shadowlands for not knowing that a mob in Necrotic Wake could be skipped and instead pulling the mob. It was day 2 of the expansion.

  8. I don't play with ransoms anymore in any capacity. Guild an community only. If even one person in our m+ team is a random the likelihood of a drama was like 80%. If I don't find a guild team I am off for the night.

  9. Parsing ruined the game. It's all about efficiency and dps bla bla bla, i play games to relax, not to go on warcraftlogs for hours and try to maximize my power output to the nanometer to try and satisfy the south park WoW fat guy sitting in his chair

  10. It's no different than real life. People compete to have the best car, phone, job, clothes, job, girl friend, sports team……………..
    If ur worth isn't based on ur perception of how much better you are than the next guy, how else are are you gonna measure it? Maybe those with the frailest egos tend to gravitate towards these types of achvs? Just throwing it out there.

  11. Classic was a speedrun of this process. During first few months people were exceptionally helpful towards people who never played classic or even WoW. We know how it turned out oh so shortly after with the world buff meta…

  12. After playing WoW on and off for over 20 years. I finally tried FF14 a year ago and have been playing since non-stop. It is leagues better than WoW. I will never play WoW ever again due to it's toxic community.

  13. Stop watching madseasonwow. He is only just criticising the game in an unconstructive way and he always does because he wants views, he just bitching about things wow doesn’t do (because yes it changed) and now is trying to make money from views saying the old same thing. You are talking about toxicity but you are one of the pillars that fuels all that with these type of videos.
    Go back to your hole , play classic wow on the servers and if you want to make videos, make videos that actually do good.
    !PS. And after all these years put some “colour” in your voice fgs.

  14. Funny, spotted this video shortly after a friend of mine just got kicked out of a Mythic+ because he did something incorrect once, rather than address the issue they called him .. "Trash" in short, then removed them from the group.


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