Wild Glimmerfur Prowler Rare Mount Guide – Shadowlands WoW – Valfir the Unrelenting

Read more about Shadowlands โžœ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

The Wild Glimmerfur Prowler drops from Valfir the Unrelenting on 100% drop chance.
Fury DD4 RGB Ram โ€“ http://hyperx.gg/Syiler
M.2 KC2500 SSD http://kings.tn/Syiler

To defeat Valfir youโ€™ll need a Night Fae character that has access to tier 3 Anima Conductor, they then select Tirna Scithe to funnel anima to. Head over there and youโ€™ll find a seed you can use on Valfir to remove their buff. Alternatively you can brute force the fight with a large group of players.

My WoW Mount Guide Website โ€“ https://wowmountguides.com/mount-search/
My UI โ€“ https://wowmountguides.com/syilerui/

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28 thoughts on “Wild Glimmerfur Prowler Rare Mount Guide – Shadowlands WoW – Valfir the Unrelenting”

  1. This isn't the first Vulpin mount available, it's just the first one outside of the shop is all. But still cool to have another color of it, and a way for people to get it without using either real money or account balance.

  2. You will tell the story to your children of how the greatest strategist of all time come up with the plan to kill the great beast. One so clever and cunning as to make sun zu look like an idiot.


  3. UNFORTUNATELY this mount is no longer 100% drop chance and has also been added to the Night Fae renown vendor. Is it now Night Fae only? Not sure. However assuming Valnir still drops it, this does mean they've added an anti-rng mechanic, allow you to eventually purchase the mount instead of relying on the drop.

  4. We were a raid party of perhaps 15 people, farming the frog mount while killing this. It was difficult to kill the rare while his buff is up, but it is possible, it just takes a lot of time.

    Fortunately for me, I got the mount on our first and only kill of this guy, but I didn't hear anything about anyone else getting one as well, the majority said they didn't get the mount.

    So I was lucky it seems!


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