Will The Guardian Medivh Return? – [Warcraft Lore]

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One of those questions I get asked a lot. Is Medivh still out there. Is the Guardian going to return? What’s going on with their storyline? Let’s sit down and talk about it… I hope you’ll enjoy ^_^

Want More Lore?!
The Story of the Guardians: https://youtu.be/-xri5KFK1ZU?si=qMerSycU6grSLn4x
The Story of The Traveler: https://youtu.be/WJH5xEdCpUc?si=8vPIWQ3KdzLIV2Dv
Illidan novel: https://youtu.be/ORdE3xt4R5I?si=_5_jMHGe9o1Nj05s
The Story of Nathanos Blightcaller: https://youtu.be/SWDxjtBGHsQ

The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)

Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by: http://incompetech.com/
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod

World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®

Discord: https://discord.gg/2tMzStpDQv

#Worldofwarcraft #Lore #Story #WoW


25 thoughts on “Will The Guardian Medivh Return? – [Warcraft Lore]”

  1. I agree with nobbel on almost the entire video.

    What irks of me "Retcon MEDAN because of Mary sue and also ruin the storyline Medivh, therefore blizzard retcon him out of existence and everyone who despise medan cheer in yey". While i find it as bullshit. I can suggest to it.

    A better way to make medan to return to warcraft. A example would be Jaina Proudmoore brother who was retcon because the game is not canon therefore characters within the game is not canon as far as i know. Guess what, they bring him back to the canon lore. It make sense for him because it is related to Jaina Proudmoore storyline. So why not make Medan brought back from retcon status to canon status.

    However he must be introduced into the game properly but with slow and steady approach to see everyone/players react. If they are okay with his return then continue, if not then kill him. Like why blizzard is known for fucking up their characters so i wouldn't be surprised they will make medan dirty for all i know.

    Also if they introduced Medan into the game properly, he must have a flawed character, make sense to his storyline within the game expansion (Idk cause everything does not make sense to me XD), nerf him soo much but also give him a challenge to make him the spotlight.

    Again that's just me being inhaling copium (Already addicted to a fictional drug and overdosed by it) and does not know much of medan other than watching lore video like Nobbel.

  2. As for me, I came back to ensure that there would be a future, to teach the world that it no longer needed Guardians. The hope for future generations has always resided in mortal hands. And now that my task is done, I will take my place… amongst the legends of the past. —Last words from Medivh.

    Let our man sleep and knowing that his legacy was not in vain.
    Even Illidan said only us can save ourselfs and work togheter againts the foes that hurts Azeroth.

  3. Is Medivh still alive or in between life and death at this point with the Old Guardian that explored beyond space and time? After Legion he up and left the dungeon leaving alot of unanswered questions about everything during Warcraft 3 and so on.

  4. I'm sorry but the only thing that will happen if Medivh comes back is that he and Chadgar will officially and together hand down their guardian role to someone much younger…….. who is female.

    Please no.

  5. The fact we cut off the twisting nether in Legion and didn’t find his spirit in Shadowlands makes me think his sprit is stuck in Kara as an advisor to Kadghar and a bit of a blockade so the demon’s can’t use the tower’s magic. His resurrection left him unable to cross over. I think the only time we will see him again is if Kadghar is about to die.

  6. If they bring back medivh which I don’t think he will be in the same capacity but I feel he should only be a cameo if we do like secret finder discord stuff. Like only bring him back for clues and fun side things don’t make him a main player again. Like you said his story is over.

  7. For a wisened old man he seems to be incredibly naive when it comes to the races he brought together. None of them have anything in common with each other besides being really good at killing things. You'd think unleashing a race non-native to the world that thrives on conflict wouldn't lend itself well to "building a better future" with everyone else.

  8. One character who I have felt has been missing for awhile is Gallywix. Ever since the end of BFA he has been awol. I wonder if he will end up being a dungeon boss or a raidboss in the coming days.


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