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What’s In My Bag video: Firim’s Forge-Tap is part of a Shadowlands questline that will give access to several additional items: Kismetric Circlet, Trace Enigmet, Ephemera Strands, and Eidolic Particles. The forge-tap is used on the various spheres located around Zereth Mortis in Shadowlands.
The Kismetric Circlet needs 100 Trace Enigmets, 10 Ephemera Strands, and 5 Eidolic Particles to complete for the pocopoc outfit.
In addition, 15 Ephemera Strands will combine to create an orb that has the chance to drop the Geordy battlepet.
Using the Forge-Tap on the sphere will release additional 10 gold blue items that are needed for the achievement: Traversing the Spheres.
0:00 Zereth Mortis portal
0:39 Intro of items
1:14 Firim’s location and getting a new forge-tap
1:37 Demo – tapping a sphere
2:03 Traversing the Spheres Achievement
2:14 Combing 15 Ephemera Strands
2:37 Combining the Kismetric Circlet with components
3:07 Turning in the Kismetric Disc
Disclaimer: I do not own or claim to own any of the contents or material within this video (except my voice and gameplay).