Windfury weapon BUFFS + other beta class changes! // Shadowlands Beta

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Checking out the class updates in this week’s Shadowlands beta + PTR patches!

0:00 Intro
1:09 Demon Hunter
6:19 Hunter
10:17 Priest
14:34 Rogue
20:44 Shaman
33:20 Warlock

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Thanks for watching, see you all next time! 😀

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22 thoughts on “Windfury weapon BUFFS + other beta class changes! // Shadowlands Beta”

  1. those 'small number tweaks' to conduit power as you say are the single biggest nerf to many classes, but they will not be realised or felt for a year down the line due to scaling. RIP

  2. Ok so is anyone else really pissed off about the rogue nerfs…. like these round of nerfs to the covenant abilities are super underwhelming.
    Let me back up a month ago where I was super excited to be a venthyr rogue and play with a cool slaughter ability, then that changed and I was going to get 10% mastery with the new flagellation. I was not happy about it, but accepted it. Then that turned to haste, which for sub, is our worst stat…, still I was hopeful… now this flagellation version is garbage. I can’t even be a vampire rogue bc my ability that is suppose to make my spec work with this whole borrowed power idea… just really frustrating bc I don’t wanna be a kyrian or a nightfae rogue…

    Idk I was really excited about all these abilities and different synergies I can do, but now I kinda wish blizzard just stuck with the original launch date on the 26th.

    Yea things wouldn’t be balanced, but now things are going to be super balanced by nerfing all abilities to the ground and all that does is destroy the “fun” factor.

  3. The Flayed Shot nerf just seems so extreme that you have to wonder what sort of chaos their balance team really operates in these days – I mean what does it say about their initial design judgement if they suddenly feel a nerf this extreme at this late stage is warranted.

  4. I think developers at Blizzard have never heard about the definition of balance… There are fucking 3 hunter classes in the game and they don't even try to fix them. BM hunter is OP as fuck and SV is a crystal clear bullshit (again). I tought they will try to fix at least the MM spec and when I saw the changes, the covenants and the legendaries, I thought omg Blizzard, MM will be finally as strong as BM? And then Blizzard nerfed: Serpentstalker's Trickery, first: They changed the numbers of targets from 3 to 2, and then from 2 to 3 with less damage, and 2 or 3 days after the "rebuff but still nerf", they've reworked it, and now your aimed shot has the effects of serpent sting, well done Blizzard. They nerfed everything about flayed shot and they nerfed the damage of death chakram, but still it is the best(?) all around covenant ability. Thank you Blizzard, we will have an OP 2 or 3 button BM hunter, and you'll have to do nothing, cause your pets will do everything instead of you, and we will have OP rogues and mages again. Every other classes are going to be bullshit and they don't even want to fix them because this game is about mages, rogues, and 2 button BM and demon hunters and that's all for Blizzard. I hate these crap classes, I want to play as a balance druid or as an MM hunter, etc… And if anyone says: "Then play as an mm hunter or balance druid, everything will be fine." Funny, because if you want to go to m+ you won't get a fucking invite because you have long casting times and almost 0 damage compared to a frost mage, and if you want to go to a hc or a mythic raid now your single target damage will be crap, too. Why the hell would anyone invite you into a raid when (for example) a sub rogue is better than you in every aspect?

  5. The change to resto shaman hurts, currently resto shaman is utility and AoE heals but can struggle on single-target healing or burst healing. The extra healing when the tank is low could help at the point where resto shaman struggles the most.

    Personally, I would love to see them change the extra healing from earth shield to increased healing on the target with earth shield, again helping with the thing shamans struggle the most with.
    I would just love for shaman not to keep being outdone by druids all the time…

  6. blizzard hasnt touched enhancements damage until now since alpha while they biffed other classes.the frost witch legendary was the ONLY thing giving enhance any damage and they gutted it.the windfury weapon buff was a shocking and nice buff but enhancement nees more windfury weapon buff should be at least 45% of attack power and hitting as hard as your abilities liek stormstrike.

    blizzard should remove forceful winds and buff windfurys flat damage more and we are stil lwaiting on the feral spirits re weork we need healing wolves back.

  7. Speaking of Enhancement , overall the Gutting of the Frost Witch legendary to -85% was the worst thing that ever happened , Frost witch legendary play style was incredible (and it still is) but doom winds is way stronger and way less fun , Imagine putting so much effort fixing the spec to juggle cd's and require playing carefully to be rewarding to play and then just having a passive ability being the 40-50% of your damage , that is not fun. The worst part of doomwinds is that its 100% getting nerfed cause it is way overtuned right now and also most likely frost witch will remain nerfed which puts Enhancement at a huge disadvantagement cause both of these legendaries were strong-nieche and soon will be bad – Okay(ish).The witch doctor's wolf bones is the worst legendary and now its even worse(got nerfed) cause feral spirits and elemental spirits are both extremely bad right now and need to be removed or remade , Imagine having a 2 MINUTE cooldown that deals as much damage as a single cast of Stormstrike and grants you a free lighting bolt cast OVER 15 seconds, it is a godamn joke same as elemental spirits that is too RNG to work. I don't really see where they are headed but the latest changes were just dumb and the biggest issues with the spec remain the same.


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