Winter Veil Complete Guide 2023 – World of Warcraft, New Toys, Mount Armor & More!

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The Winter Veil Christmas Celebrations for 2023 have arrived in World of Warcraft! Here is a guide for you, detailing what you can take part in, as well as the rewards you may receive during the festivities, enjoy!

Merry Christmas!

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32 thoughts on “Winter Veil Complete Guide 2023 – World of Warcraft, New Toys, Mount Armor & More!”

  1. Compared to other games I have spent a lot of time playing, Blizz holiday events have always been underwhelming to me. I think the game who's holiday events I enjoyed the most was Lord of the Rings Online, especially their Halloween and Christmas events

  2. Why they stuck an arbitrary level requirement of 40 to be able to interact with Greatfather Pepe for a Tiny Winter hat is beyond me, sucks that my blinged lvl 1 bank alt has a normal Pepe riding a sleigh whilst I chuck around Big Bag's of Booty in Ironforge!

  3. want to ask about garrison daily quest,does garrison needs to be on certain lvl ,we must start War lords of Draeneor to even get that one?Someone pls answer me…I am confused,have it only on 1 toon…and NPC is not there,what if we dont have garrison?

  4. im lvl 18, i did the grandfather winter quest that got me to iron forge and now im stuck, i dont see a way to get the mean one quest, this is my first playthrough of this game and wanted to participate in the seasonal events, is the grandfather winter as far as i can go or did i mess up? It also stopped giving me quests for seasonal after i grabbed the book at the end of the grandfather mission

  5. There’s a battle pet that spawns occasionally in the snow globe.

    And if you use the Ancient Dalaran portal while mounted on a flying mount, you’ll be mounted up and not fall on the other end.

  6. There's also a high res santa suit in green and red that apparently has been out since Legion, but no one on wowhead knew how to get it. If that mystery could be solved, that'd be greaaaat.


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