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Earthen get a nice exp bonus exploring the world so my guildie Halfyy gave me the brilliant idea to combine this with talking about the lore while exploring the world of warcraft. Today is episode 5, exploring Pandaria for the expansion Mists of Pandaria… One of my favorites! I hope you’ll enjoy ^_^
Want More Lore?!
The Story of Illidan Stormrage
The Story of Varok Saurfang:
The Story of Nathanos Blightcaller:
The Light (and Shadow) in World of Warcraft
The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)
Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod
World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®
#Worldofwarcraft #Lore #Story #WoW
I want to see what Pandaria looks like after the Siege of Ogrimmar.
Once again, I could found my self relaxed
The thumb kind of makes it seem like zovaal and wasted potential are related to the video about pandaria. At least, that's what catches the eye first to me.
Wow me and Nobbel have so much in common! We're both WoW lore buffs, we both loved the farm, we both hated Shadowlands, let's see more!
MoP is one of my favorite expansions but the guild i was in died then. They missed a fun time.
SoD trailer was amazing. The music is incredible, and the Garrosh fight scene is one of the best they have done, it's so felt
Actually – I just thought – demons getting back to Garrosh could've been very cool
WotLK only.
Garrosh did nothing wrong!
The order in which he met the celestetials were:
Jade serpeant
Great Crane
White Tiger
The burdens he conquered were
and he made the mist because as he realized his people havent learned the lessons he learned in his journey, and he cannot stop the legion, and his people will need time to learn. Time that they do not have.
so he sacrificed himself by being one with the land and created the mist to hide Pandaria and give his people time to follow his teachings
these lessons I believe are from Taoism ☯️
You may be referring to Wu wei
– actionless action, inaction, effortless action
It's not about doing nothing, but my personal interpretation of it is:
Not exerting too much energy on stressing or forcing to change the situation,
accept the current situation, adapt and find what is best for many,
staying/living in the present and being grounded.
I watched the video you mentioned and went back to this, and thank you. It was an epic and inspiring story ❤ 🙇♀️
Shadows of the Horde was SUCH a good book! I was so upset with Vol'Jin's story after Pandaria
Im playing through pandaria rn with a new panda monk! Perfect timing!
1:02:32 Her name was Evie Stormstout
And you were correct Nobbel.
He said: "She looked like Li Li"
He says this when you accept the quest titled "Han Stormstout"
Never doubt yourself in the lore, always have a chance that you will be correct. 😊
wowpedia – Han Stormstout quest
Just finished Shadows of the Horde! Part of me really wonders what ToT would've been like if Vol'jin hadn't escaped. I know they needed him to start off the rebellion. With Lor'themar preoccupied leading the Isle of Thunder campaign.
Anybody else listen to WoW lore content while at work? Makes my day go by so fast
Honestly I never got the hate for MoP. Great art and music as usual ( I'm not sure anyone has ever been able to complain about those ) and while they were still following the Horde Bad, Alliance Good writing style that they still use to this day they still had the Alliance being assholes for once which was a nice bit of a change from it always being the Horde ( except for our Hero and people like Thrall, Vol'Jin, Bane, etc ) Never really got into playing monks but having an unarmed class seemed like fun and a chance to branch out a bit design wise.
I figure most of the people hating on it are the same forum dwelling, cheeto eating folks that have been screaming for years that WoW is dead
“Looks characters name.” smart @ss 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Goku from Dragon Ball and the Monkey King are both based on the same character (Sun Wukong from Journey to the West).
Ever since you said that Lorewalker Cho was voiced by Winnie the Pooh, that's all I can hear now
"Imagine stepping though that portal and 'weeeeeeeee!'" I don't have to imagine it. My mage has a portal and teleport spell for Old Dalaran, or more accurately a spot above the crater where Old Dalaran used to be. You have to mount up on a flying mount before going through the portal, or down you go. I also learned the very hard way to not be so careless in accidentally casting teleport instead of a portal to Old Dalaran. Teleport doesn't allow you to mount up first. You port over and down you go. Thank goodness for Slow Fall!