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World of Warcraft has touched alot of people across many generations. The game has had it’s ups and downs but I think we can all agree that the Warcraft Franchise is special.
With the recent News of NetEase and Blizzard Entertainment failing to re-negotiate terms for Blizzard to publish their games in China… Tencent have swooped in and released a trailer for their upcoming Cross platform MMORPG that seems… A little too Familiar.
WowHead Article:
MrGMs Tweet:
Report on them Tearing down the Statue:
Looking for a Community of Copium Addicts to discuss old, current or new and upcoming MMORPGs with? Well look no further fellow degenerate for we got you covered!
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#WorldofWarcraft #MMORPG #Tencent
Skip to the Trailer breakdown: 04:21
Looking for a Community of Copium Addicts to discuss old, current or new and upcoming MMORPGs with? Well look no further fellow degenerate for we got you covered!
This Cesspit of Losers and Depressed Boomers welcomes you to wallow in your sorrow and regret your life choice to waste 15 years on MMORPGs today:
I expected nothing less from CCP
World of warcraft 2 coming about 10 years from now, like 2033 something like that.
predam pumpu na kkt
06:45 till 07:06 looks like Allods online if you ask me.
Spending my years playing Retail, then over to another time-spending game of trials of being Competitive all-over-again. Nha, I'll stick with what I am happy with. Let Blizzard grow stronger then other B-classes of the Warcraft-Family! let our children play it and proof us wrong 😉 right?
Dont worry, blizzard will fuck it up xD
this game is bullshit
WoW! Tar Island looks like a great game!
"You can't make this up" Apparently China did.
hey blizzard made warcraft after thy got a no from games work shop to make a warhammer game why the hate when some one els do the same as thy did back in the days
I play Ark Survival Evolved
fake clickbait scam
Sooo WoW2 isn't coming another clickbait
Generic crappy Asian MMO… nothing to see here.
shameless copying it may be but blizzard is not shy from stealing idea's and shit from other mmo.
If you came for WoW 2 info, there’s none , click bait
Warcraft did THE SAME with warhammer, chill
Bro fuck this I wanted a real wow 2 vid
Bro… You sound like if Blizzard haven't done the exact same thing copy pasting storylines, art, characters, etc. From Warhammer, Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, etc.
finally wow got new graphics. This was the only obstacle that held me from playing WOW
Most likely it will suck like 90% of rip-offs. It will likely be cash shop shit, but it will appeal to the Chinese market.
Chynuh wants to take over an IP ? why? they just steal them all anyway, because they are a society of Amoral a**clowns.
I'm playing retail, I just can't see why anyone would want to play a Chinese knock-off?
Blizzard will release WOW 2 once Cloud PC's like ShadowPC become more accessible and affordable. One of the big draws to WOW is you can play it on on pretty much any PC or Mac, even old ones from like 10 years ago. A lot of people who play WOW won't spend 1000's of dollars on a gaming PC. But I think in the next 5-10 years when that barrier to entry is eliminated we might see WOW 2.
i want wow2, if not from blizzard… maybe clon will show the money on upgrade is worthy
fornite is a shameless clone and its doing finer
Taris Land or Tar Island? Can‘t be sure 😀
I mean, You do know that warcraft is a shameless copy of warhammer right?
I'll def. play this!
I hope we see more and more companies copying and improving and even stealing the WOW legacy. Blizzard is happy selling us the same old game with new skins until eternity! We need new blood that is passionate about gaming and hungry for innovative new gameplay and mechanisms. WOW's wow factor is long gone.
I know it’s probably impossible but what if blizzard made wow2 with updated graphics new content and way more
rofl vpn part was good!
I mean blizzard stole 1000000 of things and added it to wow so its only fair i guess
I would play this before current wow anyday
They should make WoW 2 exactly like WoW classic but with an overhaul of graphics using unreal engine. A more modern UI and realistic looking character models and incorporate some AI like what the Voiceover addon does and give you a more immersive experience and options to say things to npcs to give a different story.
I want a warcraft 2/3 sequel.
Being a refugee from WoW (Long story, multiple reasons)…I'd play this.
Are you going to do an update thoughts video on Tarisland, now that is has been released in Beta, or waiting for full release ?