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My opinion on the status and differences of World of Warcraft Vanilla private servers Turtle WoW and Vanilla Plus. Both of these are currently two of the best and go to servers for anyone seeking that vanilla 1.16 version of the game.
As good as retail was it was still flawed and had the same issues as when the game first launched. So much was so good and so much needed work. Both Turtle WoW and Vanilla plus aim to do just that. Giving players a difference experience by changing classes and skills. Adding depth and new spells to class specs. The addition of new lands, instances, raids and quests built through lore enriching content and released in patch like expansions.
Which is best Turtle WoW or Vanilla Plus? In this video I dive deep into what I have seen so far on both servers. Discuss some of the small issues but mostly go into how great both of these servers are.
I think anyone looking for an alternative WoW experiences and who want to enjoy a vanilla or classic experience can find a home and enjoy themselves on either or both of these servers.
If retail Classic World of Warcraft didn’t fill that vanilla need, then maybe its time to go into a different idea of vanilla wow. Explore and come along on the journey as both servers plan to build on what was so goo and continue putting out content for all players to enjoy.
Hardcore feels weird and scary from the outside, but once you tasted, you can never go back.
It makes the game so much more fun and immersive + the community of it is the cherry on top.
(You become imortal at 60, but while leveling you can't use the AH, can't group/trade with casuals or people bellow/above 5 LvLs.
Yet we still run badass dungeons xd
Get MrPlow addon to sort your bags and bank.
I've been on Turtle WoW for 3 months now and while it's been great the server is declining. Peak pop rarely gets over 800 now with half of those being hardcores so unable to group and trade with, the bugged flightpaths still haven't been fixed and the class rebalances are now 5 months late and they change the release date every month. I'm honestly starting to suspect that there are no developers working on Turtle WoW anymore but they're trying to cling onto the player base by not telling us. I know it'll never happen but it would be awesome if Turtle and V+ merged into one healthy server given how similar they are instead of competing for players.
Hi man,
Are there a lot of bg running on turtle wow?
Vanilla+ is better as a vanilla server but needs more people playing on it. Turtle has NO PVP and feels too retail (transmog), also full of dad gamers for this reason.
What's the name of the quest addon shown in the thumbnail?
where do you get addon for turtle wow? since most site only got addon for 1.12
What is ur UI mod in this vid? Looks neat
Some update on Turtle WoW's population: it peaked over 1400 players last weekend.
TURTLE WOW, best server ever.
Turtle is so nice
seems like turtle is still somewhat active but vanilla plus is dead now
i would love if blizzard offered employment to the turtle and V+ devs to make season of mastery what it could be
I have been on turtle wow off and on for about a year. The server has always been stable. The hardcore mode has definitely a large community behind it
Turtle WoW is thriving these days. I’d really recommend checking it out again.
turtle seems really cool tbh
Hey man thanks for the video! Question what mod/addon are you using in the beginning with the quest screen opening up in the center and looking totally different? What is that? Thanks!
did you actually play XIV or did you do the typical wow player thing and pay to skip all the content to play the newest expansion… then dropped the game before realizing you played the game wrong.
Ive found a few bugs on TurtleWoW like espcially the channelled spells dysyncing or whatever be going on. Also the server has become very very laggy. You will hit lag spikes everyday but doesn't last too long. Not sure about V+. Havent played it in a while but it ran ok for me. Also the world chat can be very toxic on both servers. Be warned!!!
Would be cool to both the developers of each project to join together for a turtle+ server project. Combining the efforts of both teams into one server.
TurtleWoW is really fun, I immediatly felt a great vibe playing. Peace, immersion, people helping each other.
I play without friends but I always found kind people who want to make a party and play together. 🙂
Everlook – Fresh Progressive Vanilla WoW Private server launching on 11 November, 2022
Turtle is the best!! Amazing community feel
They need to move their servers to Russia that way blizzard cant shut them down. In Russia the US government has no jurisdiction nor does Russia give a shit what the USA has to say.
That UI addon is terrible , it spoils the game 🙁
on vanilla plus i like reworked classes, melee hunter in survival, shaman with brass knuckles, paladin with crusader strike
Try playing Alpha vanilla World of Warcraft from 2003 private server
I was enjoying Turtle WoW with my boyfriend until they banned him for saying "This quest is lame" Lame is a slur used in 1950s to describe homosexual people, he didn't know that and was perma banned lol
Jesus, turtle really blew up. Its a shame because the class changes in vanilla+ were great but i see why turtle won the most players in the end. Hope they make some more class changes in the future.
What do you think about project epoch? Be interesting to see a video about the beta from you!
I recently dinged 60 on turtle but I'm pretty much done. I can't stand vanilla raiding – most monotonous boring experience outside of lvling imo – and I love vanilla pvp but the original systems are incredibly degen for gear that is simply bad compared to post naxx bis. I'd def come back if they did a pvp gear update and rework to make the grind less absurd and the gear actually on par with at least aq40. That and frankly, the 6 to 7k queues during prime time along with the lag that comes with it are really unfun. I'm looking forward to project epoch, they have plans on designing the pvp systems and gear to be competitive which is exciting.
Recent video about v+ 2023: