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President Johanna Faries of Blizzard Entertainment talks World of Warcraft with Geoff Keighley at GAMESCOM Opening Night Live 2024.
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Thank you for the bright emotions! Your videos are always so inspiring! 🐱💞
Ah, the company of breast-milk stealers and women abusers.
Cette vidéo m'a permis de réévaluer ma vie et de réaliser que j'ai aussi besoin d'un chat dans mon cadre💖
Se ogni nostra giornata fosse divertente come guardare questo video, non mi stancherei mai delle relazioni💖
How do you do fellow kids: the outfit.
If sarcasm burned calories, I'd be a supermodel by now👅
More bots than comments
visit their booth for free breast milk
DEI for president. She looks like she only games nintendo. Why the hell isnt their president a neck beard like Gabe???
I wondered why Geoff remind me of a Shark, and I came to the realization that it was the dead sociopathic eyes…
No wonder they forced DEI and call a race-swapped female a Lothar.
All hail the Dorito Pope
all this hype for a skin wtf
sylvanas skin: $25.
WoW definitely needs to come to console.
looks awful like shit.
the wow early access thing split our friends group up. were good times all the other launches before that when we struggled to get into the game together at 12am
She is dressed very well and she is very gorgeous im in love 😻😻😻
Blizzard, please give us WoW for Consoles. I know WoW Supports controllers now. Why not go all the way. Hope you don't miss this opportunity.
If you truly have a love for the story you are crafting and a faith and enthusiasm for the product you are making… You DON'T announce the next 3 game titles at the start.
It's obvious they're trying to take a leaf out of FFXIV's book but have they learned NOTHING while researching it??
Not knowing what's next is half the excitement.
The unexpected and The Journey is what it's about.
If, when you're on the back foot and regaining trust, you feel the need to beg attention and dedicate long term promises… you have your priorities BACKWARDS.
This is what a child does when they've been naughty for the 10th time in a row.
"I PROMISE I wont do it again!… and I'll tidy my room every Sunday, and eat my greens, and be nice to my sister…"
Just do much better than before.
One step at a time.
Blizzard you have to accept that you are seriously on the down turn now.
You can't act the same as you always have any more.
You have to start fresh.
Be humble.
Do better than you used to.
Please… Because all of us who have left (like myself)? … We all love what you WERE … and this aint it.
Having WoW as pc only on a list of Xbox exclusives is the dumbest shit guys
This could've been an email