World Of Warcraft: Blackwing Lair | Out Of Bounds

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World Of Warcraft: Blackwing Lair | Out Of Bounds

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14 thoughts on “World Of Warcraft: Blackwing Lair | Out Of Bounds”

  1. When you leave the area of the map on the edge your character becomes stuck due to attempting to go into a place that has no recognizable (x,y,z) coordinates. You may have the z coordinate (z coordinate has a built in minimum with a death barrier built into base wow, but they left the cap unlimited[I have personally ended up, due to a bug had my paladin falling in arathi highlands falling for about 15 minutes when loading in at absurd heights]) but the x and y have values on every map that have a minimum/maximum. When you attempt to input (walk fly run w/e) a value beyond the limits the game locks you at the cap of the value in that direction and since there is nothing to change the value via normal movement you become stuck. Infernal strike, meta, heroic leap, ect give your character a new forced (x,y,z) via that style of movement.

  2. That spot in BWL is one of the few OOBs I've done, it was back in wotlk and we had a lot less tools to work with then. I think I had a noggenfogger and priest levitate (it behaved a bit differently than it does now.) Back then you could slowfall down through nothingness and land in a building that was considered a battleground starting building, and if you queued into a bg while in there, when you got killed you could /afk and it would just instantly rez you right in that same spot 😂 it was so broken, my friend and I only did it once and then never again so we didn't get banned. I know this sounds like some crazy made-up pre-cata story, but I swear it was real lol

  3. Things I can think of:
    BWL was introduced into the game files with 0.11.0, the terrain is likely from around 0.10.0! Meaning this is a beta map exploration!
    Thorium Point and the new flightpaths were added in 1.5.0.
    The gamedev trick he was talking about is called "reverse-side culling"!

    Fun Fact: The Altar of Storms was made to be a respawn point before graveyards were introduced since that's how WC3 handled hero spawning and reviving! It was quickly decided against but some assets still made it into the game from that time, namely in Searing Gorge and Duskwood.

  4. Blizz is watching us all. I guess they don't like the fact that we can break out in the game and find other ways to have fun. If only they put a limit to how much they patch in terms of breakouts, exploits, etc…


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