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In this series, we’ll level as a Blood Elf Mage, in preparation for the release of Cataclysm Classic this Summer.
Professions: Mining, Jewelcraft, Cooking, First Aid
Addons: Leatrix, Bagnon, Immersion, Questie
In this play through, you should definitely do a lot of dungeon grinding
Listening on my iPhone 11
wil this be your main or the paladin? enjoyed the video
BE ❤❤❤
Great vid, gonna love this mage playthrough!
Nice and chill video. Audio was perfect on my TV and phone. Played a little on my mage last night. Cata hype Cata hype
Frost 1st, fire 2nd, arcane 3rd…
Looking forward to this series. Started a blood elf warlock today and the starting area is giving me so much nostalgia! Specially the music.
On retail I’ve been leveling a fire mage and mana has not been a problem for me. Doing enough damage to take down everything that comes at me at once is my problem.
It usually takes about three solid hits to bring anything my level down. And in retail, everything is your level, wherever you go. You can’t out level a zone. Everything just levels up to stay with you.