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These are some PVP clips from my journey to Grand Marshal Rank 14 on my warrior Baroc in World of Warcraft Classic Era. – Check out the new Greatest Hits, compilation of some of the best moments from my two R14 journeys
Part 2 –
Part 3 –
People have been asking me about how I got standing 1 with just 110k honor. There is a long story behind it, the bracket caps on my final week were set very low and this was also just before the Classic Era ‘explosion’ happened. It took me a very long time to reach Grand Marshal, with over 74k kills, a lot longer than most Grand Marshals.
for the Alliance 💯
Do you have trouble with shamans?
Kings Honor!!
is this video current? what day is it from?
love too see it
how long did it take for r14?
Im coming back to vanilla servers tho
Guys, if I suppose to start again with a new character, servers are populated or not? Im on EU side. Thx
Yo whats the addon that shows class icon to the left of nameplate?
Human or orc warrior for pvp?
OMG so cool your Warrior and your ability 💪🏼
Hey man nice video could pls give me your Weak Auras imports ? The execute, overpower and the shout ? 😅
Man you gave me so much motivation to get my hands on this mace <3
What weapon is that?
Insane Montage! I Love This
Do you go Mace Spec if you ever get Might of Menethil?
Naxx mace is so op