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In this series, we’ll level up as a Human Mage on the Fresh Start anniversary realm of Doomhowl US.
Addons: Dialogue UI, Bagnon, Leatrix Plus, Leatrix Maps, What’s Training, Atlas Loot, Questie
Professions: Tailoring, Skinning, First Aid, Cooking, Fishing
another long play to start my morning! Thanks Robert! 🙂
What's your favourite class and main character?
If you keep that Crawler Meat you can make Crab Cakes for +4 Spirit and Stamina. Taught in IF and SW, also Dun Morough. And tell Amy Tim Day says "Hi" to you and the family.
We're both mages aboout the same level and it's been so nice to be able to watch these while I play!
So glad your run went smoothly, you make levelling seem so relaxing
The dead level 1s was probably from the level 1 Hogger raid that took place. They went to kill Benny Blanco after.
The Mage quest after collecting the water sample has you traveling to Dun Morogh to collect crystals for a robe. The summoning quest will be after that. I've had luck summoning one mob at a time by summoning in the basement, in the kitchen, and just inside the inn's entrance by the wall. The mobs will be between levels 16 and 18.
The Shade of Alura is part of a Night Elf warrior quest.
for the mage quest if you go into the basement there is a single spawn. all you have to do is wait for 5 minutes for them top respawn.