World of Warcraft Classic: Mad World

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45 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Classic: Mad World”

  1. Alex you know whats funny tho ? and i want to hear your opinion on that , in middle east twitter page they never make rainbow on logo nor celebrate pride month , same thing with bethesda company too and other companies , only care about trend and whats month , this shirt they selling is walking billboard for advertisement , back then in video games history making sexy female characters make the money so they do it , now with all feminist stuff going on , its no longer making money so they switch to cover them up , they don't care about morals , they only care about their pockets

  2. Nothing makes sense anymore, nothing is beautiful, nothing is fun, nothing has a purpose, greed has ruined everything, it's because of greed that ideologies and degeneracy are shoved down our throats, it's because of greed that everything we loved lost its soul. It is truly an unforgivable sin acted out by a select few that spread like a fucking plague to the entire human race.

  3. Hah blizzard is such a circus these days. They've been dead in my mind for years now and yet I still see people complaining here and there(I barely use social media at all) that they feel "betrayed" by these companies. How anyone failed to see the writing on the wall and continued paying and supporting them baffles me. Last time I paid bethesda a cent? When fallout 3 released. Last time I paid blizzard before classic wow came out? During TBC live. Don't get me started on how ironic it was that blizzard thought they were doing something revolutionary by announcing classic wow official servers after we already had Emerald Dream, Nostalrius, Elysium, Light's Hope among many many more private servers before they even considered that to be a business move. It was just a way to rope jaded retail players into pumping up the numbers and trying to reach for the same players who quit having anything to do with blizzard since WoTLK.

  4. does anyone UNIRONICALLY give a shit about this stuff LOOOL ? it doesnt change the gameplay whatsoever ! absolute COPERS AHAHAH. half the video is random dudes that dont even play wow anymore dressing up as chicks LOOOOOLE

  5. This is what happens when u let the rainbow crew think they are above everyone else….like why is a literally game have to conform to this bs. If they want a gay game so bad just make a new game stop changing stuff already made

  6. Alex I hope you are genuine about this. But it does seem that Classic really will die if this is true.

    Edit: I just wanted to say also that I am sick of having every game be woke now. I just want to play interesting games not learn about transdragons in Dragonflight or League of Legends.

  7. You're brave, but not brave enough. This goes beyond the LGBT movement, this is going on EVERYWHERE in both Europe and North America. Why? Because the world HATES us, just like they hated Jesus Christ.
    Revelation 1:14

  8. I don't understand why the streamers are in the video. To prove that the "woke" actions of blizzard influence the people playing it? I just think that's just for entertainment, just like a kid dressing up and dancing in front of their parents. Why is it related to this?


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