World of Warcraft – Daughter of The Sea / Way of The Monk | Reacting To Video Game Music!

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32 thoughts on “World of Warcraft – Daughter of The Sea / Way of The Monk | Reacting To Video Game Music!”

  1. There really isnt a whole ton of memorable music in WoW, most of it is kinda just background ambiance? i guess is the best way to describe it. But every now and then they throw out something pretty significant and memorable. It is still a popular game, having played it for the last 19yrs, i can still only think of a handful of songs that really stick out to me, Daughter of the Sea would certainly be one of them. Its pretty much her revenge song. Lore wise, the song was originally a song about her being a traitor to her family, but then after that history was resolved she made the song hers as inspiration against those who took away everything she loved. As for the Pandaria stuff, that expansion probably had some of the best music. It was very theatrical and overall well done. (yes i play games other than FF14, shhhh dont tell anyone) 😆

  2. To explain a bit of the backstory with Jaina. Her father was Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, the leader of the island nation of Kul Tiras. Daelin was a veteran of the Second War between the Alliance and the Orcish Horde. The orcs were, to make a long story short, invaders from another planet. They were a tribal people betrayed from within, becoming mind slaves to the Burning Legion, a multiversal army of demons. The Legion used the orcs as a proxy war to invade the world of Azeroth where our story takes place. The orcs were defeated and captured, and over time the demon's mind control waned, but they were still the prisoners of the humans with many orcs growing up in internment camps.

    When the Legion invaded for real in an event known as the Third War, a peace-loving orc named Go'el, (Slave name Thrall.) led his remaining people away to another continent after getting a vision of the end. On the western continent of Kalimdor, he met Jaina, who also fled west with refugees to escape the demonic army. Her and Thrall decided to put their people's pasts behind them and fight together against the Legion. Ultimately they prevailed and staved off the end of the world. Jaina settled on the southeastern coast of the continent, establishing the port city of Theramore, whereas Thrall and his people settled in the north, establishing the New Horde and the Orcish city of Orgrimmar.

    The orcs and humans of Kalimdor lived in peace for awhile, but it wasn't long before Daelin found her. Seeing the orcs, the "demons" he'd spent years fighting, he naturally struck first, as he had no idea they were mind controlled and that these orcs were peaceful, and if he did know he likely wouldn't have cared as he was old and set in his ways, and to him, orcs were a disease that needed to be eradicated. So when the orcs fought back, being unable to reason with him, Jaina stood aside and let her father die. This was the betrayal the song referenced. But the story doesn't end there…

    Many, many years later, Thrall leaves his New Horde under the command of Garrosh Hellscream, his best friend's son. Thrall had to go face another existential threat alone, and he felt his time had passed anyway. His policies of non-aggression didn't resonate with the youth and he was losing support, so he stepped aside to fight as a hero rather than lead a people that didn't want him anymore. This was an enormous mistake, as Garrosh had nightmarish ambitions. He was a racist and authoritarian dictator. It wasn't long before he went to war. Soon after that he dropped a "mana bomb" (A nuclear weapon.) on their neighbors at Theramore, wiping out Jaina's people. The orcs repaid Jaina's tolerance with genocide.

    Jaina then came to the conclusion that, ultimately, her racist father was actually right all along and that she betrayed him. The orcs, even sans mind control, were dangerous savages that didn't value the lives of others. The song is about her rejecting her prior tolerant views, to reconnect with her past and embrace her father's racist ideology as penance for her naivety. It's the tragic fall of a nice girl, a hero with a heart of gold, becoming a cynical bitter old woman that lost everything because she believed in giving people a chance.

  3. I've played WoW for years and Daughter of the Sea is the only song I know from the game. That's not to say the music from the game is generally not good. But it's usually very ambient and so it doesn't stick out. And actually, Daughter of the Sea I know for sure, but I believe also Way of the Monk are not really in game. Daughter of the Sea was used in a cinematic that Blizzard made ahead of the release of an expansion, and I think Way of the Monk was from the trailer for Mists of Pandaria, though don't quote me on that.

  4. Daughter of the Sea is a fantastic ballad? Shanty? It comes with a stylised cutscene depicting some Warcraft 3 lore (in Laurcus' comment), and the modern consequences of it. The cutscenes aren't all like this, it's a really special one.

  5. Daughter of the Sea also has a music video version (you only watched the music version without the extras) that I highly recommend watching. It shows the story adding to the song.

  6. On your own time you gotta watch the video that goes with Warbringers Jaina. Maybe it won't have the same impact on someone who is not familiar with the characters or the lore, but man the video is great.

  7. Jaina is probably one of the unluckiest charackters in Warcraft.
    First her lover Arthas leaves her because he kinda gets cold feet after a night of passion when she wonders how their children would look.
    Then when they reconect she helplessly watches as Arthas falls into madness tring to save his kingdom from the undead only to come back as the Avatar of the undead forces Leader and destroys her adopted home and murders her Magic teacher.
    She escapes to another continent with very few survivors of the undead onslaught only to realize an even bigger demon horde followed them losing even more people under her care in the final battle against said Demons.
    After that and a very brief time of peace suddenly her father shows up and forces her troops to attack their nearest ally.
    She then watches passively as her Father gets killed due to her wanting peace.
    Some years pass and while outright war doesn't start realations with her allied orcs detiriorate.
    Then her ex lover Arthas kinda comes back as in trying to murder everything and nearly kills her when she encounters him in his lair.
    Oh and also it turns out a small part of Arthas still existed in his body as the undead leader keeping a memento of her something she is made aware of.

    Could go on but it doesn't get any better for her and i only described warcraft 3 and wow vanilla to lich king.

    Basically everything nice that happens to her is just a prelude to 3 gut punches and 2 kidney hooks.

  8. The Way of The Monk is an amazing group of songs that accompany the player through all their adventures in Pandaria. I'm happy to see them getting recognition outside of the WOW community.

  9. Just a quickie but Way of the Monk is Chinese, like the pandas lol Another quick thing is all of WoW's music is live recorded so I think you'd REALLY enjoy a lot of other tracks such as ones others have mentioned on here (the many versions of Anduin's theme for instance lol I think there's nearly 20 minutes worth of different versions that play in the game depending on the scene, but check out the one with Julie Elven for sure). WoW music is more ambient than performance but it's delightful and perfect for studying or working to

  10. Hey Jesse! I'm so glad you give the World of Warcraft music at chance. It is a great journey to hear some tracks from the different expansions and how the music evolved in the last 20 years.
    In my personal opinion the track "Seasons of War" is the most iconic song. It is the music from the cinematic intro which introduces the the different races and got hyped so many people back in 2004 when World of Warcraft was officially released.
    I would love to see you reacting to this one and I'm really curious if you enjoy it.

  11. It's insane they actually did multiple languages for Daughter of The Sea… I only speak German and English but the other versions are pretty epic too! Give them a listen, if you have the chance/time 🙂

  12. If you want something more representative of Warcraft, Arthas My Son and Invincible are for sure classics. The medley from Cataclysm, The Shattering, has a great selection of differing themes from the game that I think captures quite a bit.

    Also definitely give the Daughter of the Sea music video version a watch. I’ve long since stopped playing WoW and honestly was never super into Jaina as a character, but that song will definitely cut some onions still.

  13. Funny, you are a little bit similar to the creator of Pandarens in Warcraft – Samwise Didier. When I first saw a video preview with your face, I thought this was his channel. He also was part of a metal band in a warcraft universe, that called "LVL80ETC"

  14. I know a couple favorite WoW pieces for me are Anduin's Theme and Canticle of Sacrifice. WoW has some SERIOUSLY good pieces of music. No matter how I feel about other parts of the game or company or whatever, I will not deny the music its due.


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