World Of Warcraft: DEADLY NPC Outside Serpentshrine Cavern???

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World Of Warcraft: DEADLY NPC Outside Serpentshrine Cavern???

In this video, we’ll explore the mystery of a deadly NPC lurking outside Serpentshrine Cavern in World of Warcraft. Is it a glitch or a secret boss? Watch to find out more about this curious encounter in the game!

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14 thoughts on “World Of Warcraft: DEADLY NPC Outside Serpentshrine Cavern???”

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  2. Ironically even though the raid is full of water you are never supposed to swim in the raid (until the fish boss is killed). Its made out of a bunch of platforms and every time to jump into the water these fishes appear. On level 70 these fuckers will kill you in roughly 5-10 seconds. This video shows how blizz actually implemented this functionality. It seems to not be tied to some kind of collision boxes that make these fishes appear but to directly the fact whether or not the player character is currently swimming.

  3. The water in this raid is made so that this fish spawn as soon as someone falls in… the water outside the portal is still within the raid… the server logic cant decide which water is inside and which is outside the portal, as the portal is just a graphical effect

  4. the frenzy are probably there because you are inside the raid and all bodies of water in SSC have them unless you kill lurker. Kill lurker and try it again and see.


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