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World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas and lead narrative designer Steve Danuser break down the upcoming new Dragonflight expansion, the new Dracthyr hero class, new talent system, UI update, and more.
#IGN #Gaming #WorldOfWarcraft
How about update older content & older expansions
So the new race is just a sadder version of Au Ra's . . .
The design look horrible looks like dragona from a Barbie movie and the "fire breath" is literally a rainbow with stars and glitter 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
eye brows on…eye brows off….
So activision blizzard is not trying something new…
Bring wow to PS5 and watch it get popular again
Ion pr bullcrap translation: we did the bare minimum give us your 40 bucks and keep giving us $15 bucks a month for one single mayor patch every year if you're lucky…
Another expansion with boring story and mediocre game play huh
Watching this on 4/20, on the sudden change in audio mix at 6:22 has me rolling 🤣
Most new features are from GW2 and FF14. Very creative to copie other MMO. Very creative indeed.
Top kek!
I'm surprised this game is still getting expansions…. thought it would of got a complete overhaul new game. New engine, new look.
Hey they made a product many many years ago. They still milking that cow. So go them.
You missed the most important questions:
1) Where is the black dragonflight earthwarder tank spec?
2) Why isn't reputation account-wide yet?
Seems like this will be a better expansion. Have to wait and see if there are any grind yet!
All these expansions and you still can't buy a house
Still wondering if there going to finally make the game controller friendly?
Still disappointed that Tinker class didn't make it…
By my eyes, FEMALE TUSKARR!!…
Male dragon race like Blood Elf … maybe change that.
So who's going crazy and becoming the next raid boss?
this is way better than these fake conversation style trailers 😀
For us gamers and the rest of the community: please don't hate Blizzard at all. They are doing their best to first write epic new sequels before loving the gameplay; Thanks Blizzard, for this wonderful game! Can't wait to try out the new expac!
Dragonflight could be the perfect reboot. Wow has been dying for a long time, stop making expansions and remake the game.
The new expansion sounds promising so far.
Multi-colored haired women and Buffalo Bill really provide a look into the crash of this game.
Ripoff from gw2. Wtf