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World of Warcraft GeoGuessr: Outlands
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#crendor #worldofwarcraft #warcraft
I got 44327. Blade's edge got me two times, plus I got one picture from Netherstorm where the camera faced cliffs. They were purple, so I got a few points out of it. ^^'
Very good! I don't know how you do it…
Thanks for the video.
Well I've still never played World of Warcraft, but did manage to score 34,508 points. I probably have too much free time.
Can't believe you got stuck on that tree branch, rather than looking at the two paths that fork off there, because there's really only one place in Nagrand where they go exactly like that xD
Boar Thrills doing this please 😀 he must be great at it. But still a great series…
36561, I pretty much only got the regions right x)
You gotta move that mini map more to the left Crendor, it's Bothering my OCD lol.
46386. Haven't played wow in 8 years.
Idk anything about WOW, but I love these videos lol
Do some wow leveling in blade edge mountains and study the surrounding to recognize it better. ; )
I got a decent 38687 points! Damn Zangarmarsh roads with shrooms was hard to get correctly xD
I can't get a handle on your charisma
ill watch this series till you get an entirely repeat set of pictures XD
It’s outland
Love this series, and these really long methodical ones where you get it right. Just feels great.
i feel like i got cheated in my pictures or im not nearly as skilled as you. 37413
48368, nailed a lot of nether storm due to very easy to recognise landmarks, lost those couple of points in Nagrand due to the vagueness you can get sometimes.
Played it another time and they gave me TWO locations BEHIND the dark portal, where like no one ever goes lol, actually makes me wanna hop on and see if there's anything interesting back there.
I got 48477, mostly I was bad at judging how far I was from what I saw
I love how at a certain point in guessing Crendor just defaults to yelling at us "right?!?" Like we're gonna Dora the Explorer through the screen and tell him 😆
not sure what is happening, but I was getting like 10% of the score I should have been
Keep em comin Crendor! These are such a treat
I'd suggest adding a 30 second timer… I did it in a video I have releasing in a couple days of WoW Geoguessr and having the timer really keeps you on your toes since you don't have time to really analyze the map too closely to get it perfect (though I have gotten it perfectly still)… Makes it more of a challenge though…
Crendor is one with Outlands. Maybe two.
Wow! You're insanely good at this!!
moral of this episode: trust your gut.
This is fun. You could post a 100 hour playlist & I'd probably watch it all
this is what an elden ring completionist run looks like
Nerve-shreding tension 🙂
Sloppy with the last one, you forgot to look at the road, it turned 90°.
NGL that was not easy! Managed to get 46195 points, that's pretty decent right a bit above 90%
i'd say 92-93%
Wow that terokkar forest guess was amazing. I had no clue whatsoever where that was, just looked like misc trees and grass to me.
I got 48663. Pretty proud of myself.
Just got 45759 points doing those rules