World of Warcraft in 2004 – A Time Capsule

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A trip to the past…


Talent calc(note that the build in the magazine is actually using beta talents, not 1.1):

If you have any suggestions, requests, or just general feedback let me know in the comments or with a message. I try my best to answer or at least read as many as I can.

Music from

‘WetGrass Inspired’ [Tristram] by AmIEviL:
Singles 1:
Stormwind Music:
Shaping of the World:
BTDD Stage 01
SNSM Tokyo
Waltz for Zizi cover by Sam Griffin Guitar:
Stickerbrush Symphony Cover by PPF:

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42 thoughts on “World of Warcraft in 2004 – A Time Capsule”

  1. "And just as you remember those days, take special note of the moments you have today and those around you, because 15 years from now, you'll be doing the same damn thing"… Absolutely beautiful. Thanks for this.

  2. Something that remains true all these years later – up to Wrath, the game had great audio feedback. You could close your eyes, and know what kind of attacks and spells were going on, could probably guess at the environment, could even get a good idea of what classes were involved.

    Sound design used to serve the gameplay more than it does now, in a lot of games.

  3. I wasn't old enough to play WoW since I'd had to convince my parents to buy me membership.

    Then WoW Classic came out.
    I enjoyed it so much…for only a month since I ended up landing my dream job.

    Big regrets.

  4. It was magical at the time because this was something new to us all. Running dungeons with people you met online back in them days was a new experience for us all and it made it so good.

  5. Man I remember creating my first character back in 2008. A Human paladin. I had no idea of anything, I was a Clicker roaming elwyyn Forest running away from Kobols and thinking: "Your hour of reckoning is upon you Arthas!… Just wait, I have to learn this new skill"

  6. I played the original wow on an Alienware Predator Area 51 case with a pentium 4 HT at 3.06 ghz and 512 of Rambus memory? I forget the card I had at the time. I was a very expensive computer. But it ran wow great at the time…or soi thought.

  7. Profound words at the end 🥲 Nostalgia hits hard these days, not for just specific products but also the people and lives we had at that time. All the more important to appreciate what and who we have now

  8. @11:47 – I'm pretty sure "Mez" came from Everquest…A class in that game, the enchanter, had a mezmerize spell which basically put the enemy to sleep and them (and bards) were the only ones that could do it.

  9. I know this is old, but it's one of the few vids you've put out I'd missed. Night elf warrior IS a great starter combo! No other warrior can patch themselves up in stealth, and night elf's wisp form is a huge bonus for warriors.. HUGE!

  10. I remember reading the Warcraft 3 manual while in the bathroom circa 2004, and I saw the add for WoW in back. Think it was a dwarf and night elf around a tree, and it said explore the world of Azeroth. I just thought to myself that's impossible and you can make the whole map into a playable world.


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