World of Warcraft Is A Toxic Cesspool – Renfail Reacts

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Let’s Play World of Warcraft with Renfail as he reacts to the idea put forth by certain players that WOW has a toxic playerbase, and that World of Warcraft is the most toxic MMORPG in the history of games. Let’s examine the validity of the claim that World of Warcraft is a toxic cesspool.

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25 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Is A Toxic Cesspool – Renfail Reacts”

  1. LOL. I miss the early days of stuff like training though. I remember yelling "CHOOO CHOOO!" over local chat training mobs through Anarchy Online dungeons. I wouldn't mess over the same people over and over though and usually I did that sort of thing in revenge. I think stuff like that is funny.

    And I miss real trolling. I miss the old forum flame wars too when you could say just about anything. Of course, I was very good at it.

  2. Personally, I would argue that the game is not as toxic as the media and high-profile individuals suggest. I would even go so far as to say it has a rather friendly atmosphere. Group content within a guild is very welcoming, and while queuing can occasionally exhibit toxicity, it is not a frequent thing.

  3. The ilvl thing is dependent on what you want to do. If you just want to play the story (like myself) you never have to group at all to get gear more than powerful enough to get it done. If you want to do M+ stuff, yeah there is a progression but that's a choice you made and personally, I'll pass.

  4. I don’t think wow is any more toxic than any other online video game.

    People need to put in the effort and either learn how to play, or learn to make friends. People should be joining guilds if they’re trying to do high level endgame content. People who only join pugs are setting themselves up for failure.

  5. The thing is that the game is not toxic at all and even less if you only play the normal content of the game alone or with a friend, but when you want to enter the competitive world of m+, pvp, mythical raid at that moment you are going to meet the toxic people of wow ! In short, the closer you get to the end game, the more toxic people are.

  6. In terms of players being toxic sure there exists a lot of those in wow. But if you truly wanna know what toxicity feels like in a video game go play league of legends i mean it's ridiculous how toxic the players are in that game.

  7. As controversial as this will sound, I think it's worth noting that World of Warcraft and other immersive MMORPGs have always attracted social outcasts, many of whom are possibly on the autism spectrum. For them, the game is a coping mechanism more than anything else; their ability to interact with others vicariously through their player avatar compensates for their inability to do so with real people in real life. This is where I think much of their over-sensitivity to misunderstandings and conflicts with other players can arise along with their tendency to assign blame to external factors such as "toxic environments" instead of themselves since they lack the self-awareness necessary for self-criticism in the first place.

    That and they probably suck at the game and refuse to improve for whatever reason, but that's a separate issue.

    On an unrelated note, has anyone ever said that you're like the Bob Ross of gaming?

  8. I personally don't have a lot of experience in WoW (I've tried many times to get into it but the new player experience is pretty awful might try again one day but instead just focus on group stuff instead of story and shit) but whenever i think of WoW being. toxic i usually just think of public chat in orgrimarr tho i think even that might be stretching it a bit

  9. Great video, love the talk to the camera discussions! Having returned to WoW (and even then, including the past several years) I've had little to no bad experiences with the game or toxic people. Then again, I pet battle and read the quests, so maybe I am the toxic gamer lol

  10. Man , there is Toxicity in wow i know that. But anything he talk in the video is not. The only real Toxicity (no chat talking bcs that has nothing to do with wow) is Gameplay sabotage , You can see it often in high lvl content, but again is up to you surrond with good ppl or survive the Game alone thats life no wow

  11. WoW IS toxic .. players gate other players .. if you don’t have the gear ALREADY then you are ass out .. but you don’t really want to be in a guild like that. And that is 100% of guilds. I bailed out in TBC because of how wrong people treat each other .. I get enough BS in real life. Don’t need it from a bunch of pussies that have no knowledge of life

  12. Ren, I definitely had you 10 yrs older, grey beard, grey hair and all, but I absolutely agree with just about everything you said. I've played off/on for about 14 yrs and I can count on one hand how many times I've encountered toxicity in WoW. Specifically two, one of which was within my own guild, and that person was eventually removed. It's just not that prevalent. I'm not normally a PvPer in most games, but I've done it both SWTOR and GW2. I will say there is some toxic gameplay (as opposed to ppl) in both (camping spawn points, not playing objectives, etc) but again, not prevalent.

  13. The only place I personally run into Toxicity is like every other Mythic + Pug I get into. So much so I dread running weekly mythic's. I'm seriously considering not running pugs anymore for this reason.


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