World of Warcraft Is Changing The Rules

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17 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Is Changing The Rules”

  1. Mezten did mention about there getting content to us faster, maybe they want to move to pushing things live globally so there isn't now a disconnect between regions and also it just going live smoothy live an expac launch or whatever is way better

  2. The purpose of the 10.2.6 event is to keep people subscribed who would take a break until the next expansion if they knew for realz what that event was about. Either that or they can't announce it because they don't even know themselves what it's going to be.

    Don't forget that they removed RFD from the wrath classic plans based on "community feedback", then had to add it later when it turned out a big part of the community that had been planning on playing because of that feature changed their minds. I suspect the "community feedback" came from some guy in the office who used to play back then.

  3. I'm pretty sure the "pirate" patch is about Gilneas and they don't need it on PTR cause they are already "testing" it on live. Has anybody been to Gilneas lately? The waterfall has slightly moved out of place, causing extremely strong graphic glitches on top of the waterfall, also you run into a disconnection-loop when you fly over the river around the little boat at Keel Harbor. Plus, in the new portal room extension one slot has no crates, unlike the other slots. I'm guessing this is where the portal to Gilneas will be. And perhaps the Horde will get Undercity back as well.

  4. There's many things it can be, however I think a good place to look towards as reference would be Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail. Those games have a 6? week release window for patches, and in HSR (I think Genshin too), each patch comes with some sort of new type of gameplay. It's what WoW's been doing. Some of the patches are level agnostic, while others are gated by game progress, but in general, there's things to do every month and a half. Usually it is a game-within-a-game situation. But it's evident Blizzard has been trying to follow their example, with each patch bringing some form of a new farmable minigame in the open world. Some are wins, others are Ls. However, with these patches they can afford the experimentation, cuz it's not like they're messing with the endgame.


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