World of Warcraft Journey Part 10 – Shadowlands Reaction

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Part 10 of our World of Warcraft journey brings us some Shadowlands cinematics including the Afterlives. It will be interesting to see how this patch ends. To see all of our WoW reactions, check out this playlist

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26 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Journey Part 10 – Shadowlands Reaction”

  1. Hey everyone. So we added Shattered Legacies to the compilation list we were given not realizing how much was inbetween. Thanks to those providing links and titles for stuff we missed. We for sure want to get to those. Any ideas when Shadowlands is supposed to end? We'd like to wait to wrap it all up but if it's not going to be for several months then we will just watch what we've missed so far.

  2. I havn't seen anyone provide links or anything, so I shall just in case.
    They are in the order they take place in.

    Dark Abduction(Prepatch, start of the story) –
    For Teldrassil(Prepatch, start of the story) –

    Kingsmourne(Initially flashbacks to other cinematics, but it is new and important-) –

    Battle for Ardenweald –
    By Our Hand –

    Sylvanas' Fate/Raid Finale(Takes place directly before Shattered Legacies) –

    Those are all the fancy cutscenes I saw missing from your video, but there are also in-game cutscenes you can watch to fill in the gaps more- which I do not have listed here! There were a lot of the in-game ones for Battle for Azeroth as well, if you truly are interested in learning more.

    If I think of any important ones I missed I shall respond to this.

  3. Hmm, characters they need to move on from: Thrall. He's been around for quite awhile and was pivotal in almost every expansion. The reason he is called "green Jesus" is because he is a virtually flawless character who literally saves the day all the time. Jaina is another that has run her course.

    Although, you may not get that impression from the cinematics, they have been in regular rotation for many story cycles.

  4. First there are critical Cinematics missing just after afterlives, one where is shows Jailors minions kidnapping Anduin, Bain, Jaina and Thrall. And all Cinematics about Night Warrior and Nathanos.
    And all Cinematics about Anduin Corrupted by Jailor is also missing.

    These cinematics are pretty much detailed and explanatory. Also Shadowlands still not over yet and we don't know how things are gonna get concluded.

    2:00 – so Sylvannus goto Icecrown, defeat Bolvar the new Licking and shatter the helm of domination crating a vale between life and death.

    What is Shadowlands,
    Wow Shadowlands is pretty much based on Buddhist and Hindu concepts of afterlives. Instead of 6 worlds, here we have 4 worlds.

    Arbitor – a being tasked with judging which afterlife suits for the soul.

    Bastion – noble, kind, loving souls. Kyrians, Thier main task is to learn, teach and carry new souls from worlds after they die.
    Ardenweld – nature friendly, animals, druidic, vegan souls. Night Fae, Their task is to help any soul who die in Shadowlands to reborn again. Also they are tasked with protecting souls of Loa/Wind gods.
    Maldraxxus – warriors, soldiers, assassin's, heroic souls. People who lived by sword goto this realm. Their duty is to protect Shadowlands from all enemies.
    Revendreth – pridefull, evil, arrogant, dark souls go here. Venthyr, Their duty is to be torture and help evil souls to redeem themselves. After a soul is redeem they will either stay there to help new souls or rejudged by arbitor to a new afterlives. If soul is not redeemable they are send to the Maw for eternal darkness.

    6:30 – Uther's story. Uther is the teacher of Arthas. When Arthas return to claim a his father's urn to ressurect Kelthuzad, he kills Uther. At movement of death Frostmourne breaks his soul into 2 part.
    As we see now tainted part of soul send to Bastion, while other part trap in the sword. (That part helped players in wrath of licking expansion)

    Same happened to Sylvannus, but instead of goto afterlives, her tainted soul is ressurect as a Banshee.

    As you see in Cinematic, Kyrians in bastion start to question Thier path, doubt begins to rise everywhere. The Leader the archon decided to stay on path what ever happened.

    13:18 – Dhraka's Story. She's the mother of Trall. Assassinate by Guldan's minions when frostwolf clan leave Guldan. Baby Thrall is also present in Cinematic. After this Baby Thrall is adopted by human family for "reasons".

    In Maldraxxus, the. Leader Primus is gone missing. And the 5 houses start war against each other. House of Plagues and House of eyes are fallen.

    17:55 – Ursoc's story. Ursoc is a Loa, a Bear god. He's very famous character since Warcraft 3. He died multiple times and got ressurect by Ardenweld. That death shown is during Emerald Nightmare raid where Xavius corrupted the Emerald dream and Yesara In Legion time.

    In Ardenweld, they face a drought because no souls are coming to their relm, without energy (anima) brought by souls the Winter Queen had to sacrifice some souls including Ursoc to keep more important souls safe .

    24:00 – Garrosh, you know him very well. So as expected he's in revendreth for his sins.

    In Revendreth they also face same drought because no souls. But Sire Danathrius is leeching more and more anima from poor.

    29:17 – that's the Jailor, name is Zoval.

    29:29 – as for now we know that Arbitor hit by big red soul made her paralyzed. This red soul is belongs to the "Argus" we killed in legion. Why…we don't know yet….cause a Titan never died before.

    31:00 – this short cinematic is where we search for Kidnapped leaders and we goto rescue Jaina and Thrall. Bain is already rescued at this point.

    32:06 – Winter Queen ressurect Yesara. This one gives goosebumps.

    34:30 – "Renethal" and some Venthyr rebel against Danathrius, but he was easily defeated by Danathrius' living sword "Ramonia". And Danathrius explained he's sending all the anima he collected to the Jailor.

    37:44 – Sylvannus still tries to make Anduin join her.
    41:11 – Jailor tried to use other way to force it.
    (Missing Cinematic) – Anduin now fully corrupted, attack the Archon and steal a key to release Jailor from maw.
    (Missing Cinematic) – Primus is been found and Jailor take the another key.
    (Another missing Cinematic) – with all 4 keys, Jailor escape the Maw and reach Arbitor. Jailor kills paralyzed Arbitor and absorb her. Sylvannus realize her mistake and tried to betray him. Jailor then released her part of soul he kept.
    43:40 – now 2 souls fighting for dominance of the body. And Uther tries to help her.

  5. The Ardenweald one is not spectacular or profoundly interesting like the other afterlives, but it is a sad one, especially for druid lovers and druid roleplayers in the wow community. Ursoc, the bear that was sacrificed to save the forest, was one of the many patrons/wild-gods worshipped by druids. Druids who followed the teachings of Ursoc and Ursol (Twin brother bears) would adopt the bear form and are called Druids of the Claw. Obviously, now, Ursoc is forever gone – a highly admired and loved champion of nature who stood up against evil several times. He never backed down from a fight, stood courageous, sacrificed himself so others could live, etc. Now his voice is silent for all druids.

    Every druid has a path they can walk and each of those paths usually, though not always, have a patron who gift them with the ability to shapeshift into an animal form. Those of Malorne can become a stag, those of Aviana a bird, those of Ashamane a big cat (Panther, Lion, etc) and so on.

  6. One of the most upsetting things about Sylvanus — "burning the tree" — was that it was not in her nature at all. But there is quite the backstory that kinda gives a reason as to why this character would just go full Hitler, all the sudden.

    After the Arthas died in the 2nd expansion (2009), something happened which we didn't know about for several expansions: Sylvanas jumped from a cliff and killed herself, with no reason left to live. But she was tortured by the Jailer for years, and after some convincing, the Jailer got her to bargain with him. He needed more souls to go into The Maw, so he restored her to life, back where she left off, with the purpose of killing as many people as she could and sending their souls into The Maw.

    That's why she inflamed tensions between the alliance and horde to start a war, to kill more people, and that's why she just burned the tree, because it was literally her goal to kill as many people as possible. Also, the more souls that were sent to the Maw, the more powerful the Jailer and Sylvanas became, and that's why she was able to waltz right up to the Lick King and singlehandedly pwn his face into the ground.

    The old Sylvanas was pretty cold, but not like this, and that had everyone in an uproar before the Shadowlands expansion, because it was so out of character.

  7. the video for ardenweald is by far the best of the intro 4, but only if you are aware of the druid and wild god lore. the bear's name was Ursoc, and he was consumed by the Nightmare, just how the green dragon Ysera was. (yall saw her death during the legion journey montage) we killed them both during the legion expansion. Ursoc is the wild god which granted the druids the ability to shapeshift into a bear, so he was highly revered.

  8. A small detail with the dragon's return – her eyes are back to emerald fire, which hadn't been the case since the Aspects lost a great deal of their power during the final events of Cataclysm. (And why in the cinematic where Ysera dies during Legion, her eyes are 'regular' with pupils etc.)
    It's kind of showing that not only did the Winter Queen save her, but also fully restored her strength. There's a great mirrored shot too, with the 'starry' image that emerges from the pod being near identical to the moment Ysera's soul becomes a constellation in the Legion cinematic.

  9. I always love your reactions but I was so sad that some really interesting and important scenes were not included. Other commenters below have given examples. Would it help if we provided links? Thanks!

  10. Hi Guys. So it seems you missed some key cinematics and cutscenes. I'm posting them here in the right order. The Shadowlands expansion will still last for about a year, so more content is yet to come.

    1- Dark Abduction (will show what happened to Bolvar and our heroes after Sylvanas shattered the Helm of Domination)

    2- For Teldrassil (shows Tyrande fighting Nathanos, Sylvanas1 right hand)

    3- Kingsmourne (shows what happened to Anduin after Sylvanas turned him into an instrument of death)

    4- Tyrande vs Sylvanas

    5- Tyrande invokes Elune

    6- Sanctum of Domination Raid Finale (this is how the last patch of the game ended)

    As you can see, you guys missed quite a lot this time. I would totally recommend, as others did, that you do a World of Warcraft Journey Part 11 with the cinematics above, as I believe there is enough material for that 😉.


  11. Im sure many people have already spoken to him, but the big bear, Ursoc. is literally one of the ancient gods of the forest. Theres a few, one for the restoration/healing druids (a big tree type thing), and a few for Feral Druids, "Ashmane", a big cat. And ursoc the bear spirit. He fought since before world of warcraft and is an actual legend in the druidic circles. His death back in the day during the War of the ancients was pretty crazy but his presnece and wisdom and influence has popped up a few places. He was Twisted by basically "evil druid" magic in the emerald nightmare and turned into a raid boss. so WE as the players kill him. But his soul going back to feed the spirit groves in ardenweald was insanely sad. As a feral druid for years i almost cried. Big daddy bear is gone. RIP. You served the wilds one last time old friend.

  12. The Unfortunate truth here is that the Lore doesn't make much sense at this point. The Jailer is an entity who is brought up as something so above Mortals that we might as well be ants. When Uthur says the Jailer is "Deceptively Cunning" It implies that this being, which is so much more intelligent than any of us mere mortals can fathom, would be dumb enough to tell his plans to his pawn, then allow his enemies to potentially learn those plans just is very nonsensical.

    Regardless I am glad your entertained by these videos and as always look forward to more reactions.


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