World of Warcraft Journey Part 6 – Legion Cinematic Reaction

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Part 6 of our WoW Journey is a cinematic cutscene and trailer compilation for the Legion expansion. If you want to see all of our World of Warcraft reactions be sure to check out this playlist
Hope you enjoy our World of Warcraft Journey Part 6 Reaction! Part 7 will be Warbringers next week for Triple Trailer Tuesday!

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32 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Journey Part 6 – Legion Cinematic Reaction”

  1. I know I'm a little late here but, I somehow never noticed how much they played up Illidan's power in these videos. In one, single scene he kills what is basically a god and then stops an enchanted holy blade from one the light's greatest champions with a single, bare hand. I think the devs are trying to tell us that, at this point, Illidan is as powerful as any of the beings that the people of Azeroth might call "Gods". So it's not such a stretch to imagine him locked in battle with Sargeras for the rest of eternity. Interesting…. Good thing he's on our side. 🙂

  2. Btw, if you want an idea of what went down when the Sword hit the planet, look up World of Warcraft Extinction by IKedit. Excellent video and almost makes you feel bad for a zone that was universally hated.

  3. I loved legion expansion except I felt they did Vol'jin dirty by killing him off here and I feel like they ruins the Banshee Queen after this moment 🙁 Oh also "There is no sword" ;3

  4. You see Varian dying in that video and in Warcraft.. but he is brought in other Blizzard video game called ,,Heroes of the Storm'' (that brings many characters from the Blizzard games to fight against each other in a MOBA type of game). There are two nice videos about Varian made for HOTS. The first is called ,,Forged by Fire: Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2016 Hero Trailer'' (you can find it like that on YT) kind of an emotional send off of our hero ..and the other is ,,Varian Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm'' (where at the start of the video you will see a intro about his story and past experiences).

    I think they are worthy of yours reactions to those videos (or at least being inserted with some others for a reaction video). 😁👍

  5. so the green dragon that got turned all red and nasty and then died; that dragon's name is Ysera, she's actually been a very prominent character in the lore for a very long time. Every color dragon has a leader, and she was essentially the queen of the green dragons; green dragons being known for being very in-tune with nature, and also with the elven goddess of the moon, Elune. Which explains the eclipse at her death and the tendrils carrying her to the moon; it was Elune taking her soul to the heavens.

    Her death scene in particular made many long-time WoW players bawl their eyes out, Final Fantasy XIV style.

    The human guy who died at the start was Varian Wrynn, King of Stormwind, and essentially leader of the entire Alliance. He also has some VERY long history in the lore, and long-time Alliance players in particular were really fucked up by that scene.

    Lastly, Vol'jin is the troll Warchief who died. He was a cool and well-like character, but unfortunately did not have a ton of screen time to be really fleshed out while he was around. So while hid death was definitely sad, it was still a little underwhelming in comparison, with Sylvanas being named Warchief far overshadowing it.

    The fight between Sylvanas and Graymane sucked. Don't worry if you didn't get it or didn't feel much watching it, no one did. No one liked that storyline. It was dumb and distracting and uninteresting, especially in comparison to all the other fantastic story stuff going on at the time.

    I feel that this video features a lot of particularly emotional stuff that people who aren't really WoW players probably wouldn't get as much, so I thought I'd explain some of the moments you watched in this that were supposed to cut deep. Also just some fun lore facts haha

  6. I think there's a theory that Sargeras wasn't trying to destroy the planet, because he's known to have straight up cleaved a planet before. Said theory suggests he was trying to wake up the World Soul inside and the stab was his last ditch effort.

  7. Not sure if someone commented on 20:58, but its such an important reference for old Warcraft 3 fans. In the night elf Warcraft 3 campaign, Illidan was looking for the skull of Gul'dan (GD originally died torn apart by demons in Tomb of Sargeras) as an artifact of great power that actually allowed him to learn the Metamorphosis ultimate power. Later he is seen with the skull of Gul'dan again in the Burning Legion cinematic, and the skull is a trinket drop from him in the Black Temple raid. The fact that he crushes the skull of the time traveling Gul'dan in this cinematic is such a great move, because he already has all the knowledge he needed by now, and the only thing that remains in him now is disdain for Gul'dan.

  8. as a long life Druid player, the Ysera's death hit me very hard
    when they brought her back in shadowlands, I ws honestly not sure how to feel
    on one had it was epic moment and it made me very happy, on the other hand it took away from stakes and felt like a cheap plotpoint.
    it was around this point I completely lost interest in WoW for like two years, had my doubts even before, but we all know who playerbase felt about BoA and Shadowlands

  9. I will keep saying it like I've been saying it: if they only made movies or a show like these cut-scenes, it would be an incredible series! Riot did it with LoL with Arcane; and look how bad@ss that turned out?

  10. As a life king horde player I really hated what they did with sylvanas in bfa and shadowlands. I was hoping for a return to greatness instead yet another horde leader ends up being unworthy to follow in Thralls footsteps.

  11. "Those like the elder gods?" Kinda. Those are the Titans. Supreme (that we know of) beings of "Order". Sargaras was the strongest of them, ended up rebelling against the other titans and leading the burning legion. There are other cosmic forces that are touched on in here. "Light" and "Fel" are two of them. It seems like all these cosmic powers are at some sort of war, and Azeroth seems to be integral into winning it.

    I love the way they show that "Light" doesn't mean *good*. It has it's own goals and it's willing to step on you to get them.

  12. This is the thing I will NEVER forgive BLIZZARD… for taking away our KING

    When he came out of the water during the cutscene, we Alliance were PROUD to be from THE ALLIANCE! And blizzard took all of those away from us! I will never forgive!

  13. I've played World of Warcraft since 2005… nearly 20 years. These are more than just characters in a story for some of us. Watching Varian Wrynn go out like that… was epic… and sad at the same time.

  14. Have they seen the scene where Malfurion and Illidan is born and the prophecy is told? It was one of the best in Legion, I thought. Illidan was one of the few Night Elves that were born with the golden eyes, and everyone expected great things of him. And what about his love rejected by Tyrande and her choosing his brother? Much of his story is so tragic. Imprisoned for 10000 years for saving Azeroth in the War of the Ancients (granted he consumed some hundreds of his people to do it).


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