World of Warcraft Newbies React to "Warbringers: Sylvanas"! (G-Mineo Reacts)

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#WorldofWarcraft #Warbringers #Sylvanas #WoWReaction


30 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Newbies React to "Warbringers: Sylvanas"! (G-Mineo Reacts)”

  1. If you’re trying to catchup for b4 Shadowlands I’d suggest Why Arthas Did Nothing Wrong. Not an official cinematic, just a bit of lore for Warcraft’s best villain and SL will more than likely involve a redemption story for him

  2. A: Sylvanas was a High Elf, the people she killed were Night Elves, and her particular tribe were all wiped out by the Scourge (the Lich King's undead army.)
    B: That was the Lich King that killed Sylvanas, but he wasn't the Lich King yet. The Lich King is a soul of an old sorcerer that's trapped in the Ice Crown, but he corrupted Arthas (the guy's name) with Frostmourne, his sword. So he's under the Lich King's influence at this point, and he does become the Lich King, but isn't yet.
    C: When he kills Sylvanas Frostmourne traps her soul, and Arthas later resurrects her as a banshee (hence all the screaming and such) and enslaves her. She later seizes upon a moment of weakness on the Lich King's part, breaks free, and starts rounding up undead that have broken free from the Lich King's will into the Forsaken and rules over them as queen. They eventually join the Horde.
    D: While you may think of Sylvanas's actions here as pure evil, the truth is much deeper. She dies at one point and sees Hell, for all intents and purposes. Basically, when everyone on Azeroth (or anywhere else) dies they just become fuel for the Old Gods. She really doesn't want to go to Hell, hates the living for being too short sighted, and is trying to gain power so she can defeat death. In the cinematics leading up to the most recent expansion (Shadowlands) she smacks the shit out of the Lich King and breaks the Ice Crown, which rips a hole in the vale between life and death. This brings us to current time in World of Warcraft.

  3. It was said in the cinematic but just to drive it home:
    Sylvannas slaughtered countless (not even exaggerating there) civilians by burning down that tree. Imagine if someone set off several nukes in a nation's capital and the surrounding cities and there were maybe a couple thousand survivors at best. That is what she did.
    That tree is the capital of the Night Elves. Their entire nation revolved around that tree.

    Sure, there are other towns and cities but that tree held the densest population.

  4. Im not sure if anyone mentioned this in the comments but its even more messed up because if you are an alliance player you get a quest to run around trying to put out fires. Then when you realize its not possible you begin working on evacuating as many civilians as you can. The whole time you have a ticking clock before you succumb to smoke and pass out barely being saved by another hero

  5. Sylvanas is what happens when you try to make a morally grey character without knowing what that actually looks like

    Burning the tree was never her intended goal, she simply wanted to break the moral of the night elves and take them out of the fight

  6. You should react to "No More Lies" and "Sylvanas' Choice" cinematics from Shadowlands, she finally starts to reveal her motivations – and Anduin is in both, so there's even some eye candy to enjoy 😛

  7. Sylvanas isn't a night elf, she used to be a light elf (which is what the blood elfs used to call themselves) before the lich king aka arthas killed and rised sylvanas as a banshee to make her watch as arthas kills almost every light elf's (there were survivers which are the blood elves) and the lady with the arrows on her back is infact a night elf because we can tell by the color of their skin and hair if a elf is blonde or something and has white or human colored skin they are light/blood elfs, if the elf has purple skin and green hair or something that is a night elf, for sylvanas, she still has her blonde hair but she has blue skin which means she's an undead banshee queen elf

  8. hi hello, a year late.

    but the purple elf you see is a night elf, descendants from Highborne (not to be confused with High Elves, which Slyv was!), but both did originate from the Alliance.

    Sylvanas was a former Ranger General (one of Quel'thalas's, the elven city that takes place where the cinematic does, military systems), who had been stabbed by the Lich King, or known by his true name "Arthas Menethil", and raised her into undeath (a banshee, which is from Irish folklore, but in WoW terms it is a ghost elf) because of the fact she basically kept taunting and stalling him, so he deemed her unworthy of a clean death.

    Afterwards when Sylvanas finds her corpse, she joins the Horde because the Alliance was also being attacked by the crisis that Arthas had ramped up severely, with former undead humans and highelves, who had branded themselves the Forsaken, because they were outcast from the Alliance. 🙂

    I would suggest looking into short lore videos or in-game cinematics, which last around 3-15 minutes because it can explain it way better than I currently am.

    The event taking place in the flashback is NOT an playable event in-game, it is actually played out through the Lich King's eyes in Warcraft III.

    but I can assure you that that tree is as good as dead, and so are the thousands of families, children, even sabers who lived there.
    VERY messed up, I know

  9. To be fair, the tree was holding a Alliance war criminal within it who had not only recently attacked Sylvanas and her people during a time when the Alliance and Horde were at peace – going against the orders of his own overlord in the process – but also while she was in the middle of launching an attack against the Legion, which the Alliance was also attempting to fight.

    All of her warships were destroyed and several of her top general were murdered in the attack, not to mention that many of her people died as well, all because one Alliance member held a grudge against her.

    That grudge could have cost the entire planet as the Legion would have burned it to ash. So the timing of that attack was beyond stupid.

    She actually had a legitimate reason to attack that tree. Alas, bad writing instead went with the "she's just super-ebbil" route.


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