World Of Warcraft Noob Learns To Fly #shorts #wow #noob #roox #funny #gaming #worldofwarcraft

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11 thoughts on “World Of Warcraft Noob Learns To Fly #shorts #wow #noob #roox #funny #gaming #worldofwarcraft”

  1. Just so you know man, there's a room inside the Orgrimmar gates with portals to practically every old content city including Zandalar so you don't have to use your Hearthstone each time.

  2. For everyone that doesn't know yet, to be able to fly in zuldazar/kul-tiras you have to have a certain pathfinder achievement.

    But don't even bother starting, cause blizz gets rid of that ,as its the last pathfinder achievement still required, in 10.1.
    Release of 10.1 is in early may 🙂


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