World of Warcraft on a VR Treadmill??!!

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Experience the world of World of Warcraft like never before on a VR treadmill! Step into the game and immerse yourself in the fantasy world of Azeroth in this unique gaming experience.

This was my first time playing WoW in VR! I know what my “new” favorite game is!!


9 thoughts on “World of Warcraft on a VR Treadmill??!!”

  1. Just an idea for a next game, Boneworks? Its one of my favorite VR games, and one of the best as far as gameplay goes imo. Half Life Alyx takes the cake on visuals easily, but Boneworks is just so much fun. There's even an arena type mode where you can see how long you can fight, if that's you're style. In conclusion highly recommend Boneworks, you should totally check it out lol.


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