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Check out this amazing run, where I make over 150K in only 10 minutes of farming a hyperspawn location in the Twilight Highlands.
Also ceck out Neffex for some killer music –
#worldofwarcraft #worldofwarcraftdragonflight #dragonflight #worldofwarcraftguide #wow2023 #wowgold #wowgoldmaking #wowgoldfarm
Loving your channel. You have that epic movie trailer voice and your tips are actually good ones (unlike some other gold making videos out there). Keep em coming!!
I've been having some of those transmog items on the auction house for a week already. Only 1 was bought, even tho i'm the only one selling.
Is it worth selling the white items at AH or just the green ones??
Thing is, these greens will sit on AH for weeks at a time before selling.
What kind of mongoloid would buy a purple ring from out of date content. Ever. Let alone for 150k. It's not a mog…
all great and fun, but that ring will never sell for that amount, its not good enough for TW or as a leveling item. No one will pay 145000 for dated, non transmog slot. So its more like 7k in 10 minutes
153k if u sell you must mention that so………..
truly clikbait
math god, 153k in 10min, 1m per hour, no one will buy this shitty transmog, so how much per hour?