World of Warcraft Players Are QUITTING Fast

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32 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Players Are QUITTING Fast”

  1. Lmao. Always weird narratives on both sides for games like this. I just returned to retail and classic, and I've found myself enjoying retail way more just naturally. The game is in a great state and is headed in an even better direction. it's just a game, my man. Just play something else.

  2. Correction: WoW Players are quitting Retail for Classic HC WoW! !! Classic hardcore soloself found is the best, no worries, its all on me wether i live or die and the community of people are super nice for the most part.

  3. I've played since 2004. But recently i've seen so many bots and it's so easy to spot them. Put a gm on it, let them ban all the fly hackers atleast.

    They dont seem to care at Blizzard. Someone said that all the people who made WoW is gone from blizzard.

    Since they care more about the bots then me. I quit. Havent played for about 2 years. I'm good.

  4. That do you think about state of BDO now? In my region (ru) people afk play and happy, but im not shure if it ok with the game becouse i didnt see any content between people. Any. The same 5 classes on AOS, and some people do bosses. All fishing and play POE2 Thats all.

  5. I played WoW 2 years ago and I love playing the beginning story but then later I was being summoned to Storm Wind and do Jaina's story expansion and I wanted to play the story after Warcraft 3, I also keep getting out of the game for no reason and I have to wait few hours to come back and the expansions need to be paid to play. That was the point for me to drop the game, I can't even level up after reaching lvl 20 and need to buy subscription to level up. That was the most ridiculous thing they added compared to other games I played

  6. If I had a dollar every time some bozo and their internet following jumped on the doom train. Play something else ffs you losers lol. 1100 hours into an expansion you guys are like….. Man where's the content. It's absolutely absurd.

  7. m+ is the thing that keeps people playing … give people some rewards for pushing keys not just a title for the 0.1% and start balancing around m+ so people can play their class and not just a handful sweats that like to play all day for weeks to equip every class that could be meta …

  8. A seasonal game losing subs as the season goes on almost half a year. WoW never would have thought that was a thing! Lol my entire guild is on break until S2 it’s alright to put the game down and wait for a bit lmao

  9. What's the state of current day wow? "World of Girlboss: need no man edition". Very good state because that means I don't need to subscribe and play because I and 90% of the playerbase is not needed, these girlbosses got this. 🤣

  10. Blizzard is anti bad ass and full of cringe characters nobody cares about. Honestly I don't care about the story at all even before but the main reason I don't really play anymore is because its the same content we've had for like a decade.

    I can't really see myself coming back or WoW becoming huge again unless they remake the game with different devs. Basically WoW 2 but I'm not even super confident in that. To give them some credit, drive and their experimental content is neat but not worth subbing for.

  11. Was an avid player of retail for ages and ages, played s1 of the current and then ..the changes hit. They were CONSTANTLY changing the classes after TWW released and I just can't take the damn instability anymore. One month my class is decent, the next its dogshit. Then its ok again for a few weeks, then they smash it into the ground the next day. I do not understand why they feel compelled to CONSTANTLY rework classes instead of just minor tweaks on multipliers and leaving it the hell alone. Now we have MM hunters (which is my main alt) losing pets entirely.. like what is even the point anymore? Went to classic. Don't regret it. They made it too gimmicky, there is no style consistency anymore with random transmogs that make no sense (yeti pajamas..) and it just feels more like ..a themepark circus "game" than a world.

  12. Noone cares about WOW, M+ are joke, content is missing, some players were happy they gonna pay for 3 expansion then one… Hausing is like bone throw for dog… During BFA was perfect time to give every player ship "hause" but as always blizzard dont know what players want, cannot write story, got wrong focus… Only greed left, 90$ mounts etc. Im sure with hausint its gona be microtransaction fiesta to milk last playerbase…

  13. Nobody wants to play a pay to win bot MMO. Also, players have become like lemmings, just wanting more and more content spammed in their face with it never being enough which in turns brings the quality of the game into the gutter.

  14. I played the game for 10 years from launch but then got bored with it.
    Then at a certain point classic released and i went all-in again.
    But after a year or so with hardly any sleep i had to take a break so i did.
    When i returned to game game my character wasn't there anymore.

    Why? Because Blizzard thought it funny to just move characters to the expansion server without my permission.
    The f*ckers should have done it the other way round. Approach active players asking for consent to move their characters if they wish and just ignore the ones that aren't active at that time for whatever reason.
    For me that was the last straw with Blizzard, never again!


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