World of Warcraft Private Server TIER LIST

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If you want to know which free WoW servers are the BEST and the WORST – you have come to the right place. This is the Ultimate Tier List for the biggest and most well-known World of Wacraft private servers. By Meytrix – the biggest private server fan.


32 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Private Server TIER LIST”

  1. what about pandaria servers or other expansions? im looking for a instant max level pvp focused private server atm but idk where to look, i been playing pandawow for many years but the player base is like 500 a day which isn't much, used to be 3k players 5 years ago..

  2. As someone who's getting a vibe of Ascension Classless and hoping to learn a Mists of Pandaria private server while waiting for someone to make a Classless Mists server, I like this op ed piece as I hunt for private servers to devour while in between non-WoW projects.

  3. Ascension is dead it was way better in the alpha with pvp turned on always from lvl 1
    Freaking amazing i remember having to pay gold to lvl in redridge cause guild where controlling the zone.and guild wars

  4. Hello im very new about this game, can someone tellme about the Moonwell server?
    I see the drops rate and Xp boost is very good but why noone talk about that can someone explain to me.

  5. Should've added activision blizzard Wrath classic servers in here, considering their poor quality, lags, disconnects, mono-faction servers, features cut from the game, rampaging bots, bugs, broken geodata, RMT, no in-game support with 35+ days of ticket response time, everyone trying to speedrun any piece of content and optimise the fun out of the game. And this gem costs a monthly sub.

  6. warmane S?? …. not for pvp when team of 40/15 people full gear enter bg and just run over normal team with (logically) average stuff. Not even a hater speech create a charater on black rock enter alterac as horde : Grave yard camped for all the play litterally and it starting to be the same for other bg normal team have 0 chances (5k5 gs vs 6k5 with healer with discord … nothing to enjoy here

  7. custom vanilla im hearing duskhaven is getting attraction mcdoubles did a vid on it far as i know there using 3.3.5 client but with vanilla an bc so if u hadnt check it out give it a try

  8. Sorry for commenting on different videos but I'm watching all your private server videos.
    They are really good to be honest. I respect your views and insight, and I enjoy watching.
    I would love to hear you talk about Anarchy WoW at some time. I'll even share your video and try to get the creators to see it!


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