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(once I got to play I really enjoyed myself btw)
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23:43 these villagers screaming 'Murderer!' are referring to the Orc bonus campaign of The Frozen Throne. So in 2018 these NPC's are referring to a something that you wouldn't get unless you played the 2003 bonus campaign of a Warcraft 3 expansion.
1:00:00 – 1:03:00 lmaoooo I love this guy and his accents
while i understand your frustration by the end of this video, these "event" quests where you do anything but kill 10 boars help the game for me alot. i really do not like classic quests because all of them are just "kill X targets" and it bored me. one thing i liked about cataclysm is it changed out all the old world quests for more eventful ones. but hay, to each their own!
so they made the decision when they redid the tutorial that they felt the best new player experience would be to throw them into the more narrative and voice acted expansion which would get you ready for shadowlands… so depending on your mentality you might not want to do the exploration and have the more scripted experience.
I want the combat mechanic and gameplay of Retail, with the learning pacing, and difficulty of classic. With the "QoL" of Classic, so no flying mounts, no Raidfinder, Groupfinder, shared auction houses. I want mounts at classic levels, and I want the levelling to be pre-level squish, so you have to play through the old expansions to get to the new, so you don't have that "I have no idea what's going on" experience.
I left a like but i want you to play classic
Ironically, Day9 probably had more context for those Jaina cinematics than a lot of WoW players, since the reason they hate her is rooted in stuff that happens in Warcraft 3. A lot of WoW players never touched WC3.
47:54 The writing is real bad. The entire dragonflight plot felt like a disney movie. The system design also leaves a lot to be desired.
Shaved head is definitely not for you Sean. Maybe think about getting hair transplant?
The beauty of vanilla wow is that it drops you into the world and you automatically get into understanding your character/abilities/world. It's very intuitive and simple but SLOWLY drips feeds you until max level where it gets more complicated. Then you can finally start to really explore the more complicated mechanics at a much more defined pace.
Retail on the other hand…. Throws you into 9 new expansions all at once with a Frankenstein amalgamation of mechanics that are either from the newest expansions or from Cataclysm, which is OLD as fuck now. Because of this nothing actually blends well together and a lot of mechanics clash really badly together for new players. I literally tell newbies to skip the Azeroth completely and just level in Outlands or Northrend because it settles you into an era of the game that was simpler to understand and pick up.
If you was to create a new character right now. You do not have to go to that Island you start in the starter zone and you don't have all that follow me around stuff now. All the stuff you're doing right now is only because of a new player.
What the fuck was Jaina's dream and all that shit about? That is the most NON WOW thing I have ever seen. This used to be a game about the players, and the fact that there were characters from the Warcraft 1, 2 and 3 around was just like a little lore nod. Those characters did their heroic stuff in those RTS games, and now they just get to hang out while the PLAYERS do stuff. The degree to which this turns into just A THING ABOUT JAINA'S BORING ANGST??? It is fucking insane. How is this still a game that exists?!? How can you make something that is so uncentred from the player character??
I hate this. This is literally madness. I can't believe you kept going with this. I thought the tutorial was rough but this is absolutely incomprehensible. How did Blizzard go in such a wrong direction for an RPG? 70 minutes in and its practically just been exposition the entire time. Just let a man kill some boars.
The big issue with the storyline is that there are basically 8 or 9 different expansion and classic stories to level through and neither will be finished before you reach 60, at which point you get jammed into the newest expansion. So as a new player, what the fuck are you supposed to do to figure out where to go, what to do, why to do it and who you even are to be called the Champion of the Alliance/Horde.
I quit WoW after Wrath. This video, hilarious as it is, just completely validates that decision. 😂
Most brand new players have a friend to guide them. I couldn't imagine starting WoW in 2024 without having a helping hand or friend present to show me what really matters. Day9 trying to play an MMO solo hurts. It's like trying to play competitive Starcraft 30 years after meta has been highly established.
@26:12 "I feel like if someone didn't see the first phase of the MCU and they're like watching the 6th episode of one of the series of season 2"
You're doing yourself a disservice by refusing to play with friends, streamers, locals, MMO fans. Playing alone is the death of MMO's.
This es the exact reason why they are changing the intro and tutorial directly to the dragon isles, where you level up until who knows what level and then go to the latest expansion, you won't be changing 200 places around anymore with random quests, they will try to make it better, idk when, but they are changing this intro already with The War Within. Hopefully no more clusterf*** missions.
@day9tv you didn't get it straight at @29:30. All of 1-60 is the tutorial. You said "10 hours" which is what retail will take you 1-60 if you played it proper. Your friends who play WoW will take you through "playing a game" all the way to max level in 10 hours but you refused to allow anyone to "staple" your forehead with what your real problem is. There's tons of gameplay that you aren't acknowledging. It's gone forever because you're failing to allow anyone to externally assist you in acknowledging and comprehending the "basic flow of the game" that exists. If you to play a game without any help, this is not the game for you. MMOs rely on friends, assistance, comprehension, and external learning that you've exhibited repeatedly that you're not willing to accept.
Find a friend who's kind and willing to help. If you want to play vanilla or retail, truly any WoW, you're wasting your time without a community. And you reject your community repeatedly. The community is trying to help you. You say "I don't like auto loot" where auto loot gives you the items and money from up to 100 enemies within 20 yards. You don't need to "learn all of this". Your problem with the tutorial is that you refused to collaborate with others in an MMO. You refuse to even change basic settings. Basic settings that every player knows will save time and benefit them. Partly due to the community and friends they are playing with.
Being new to retail wow is horrible. I started out a few years ago and it wasn't much better. There is no story continuation or red line.
@34:00 you've indeed been doing it wrong. MMOs are intended to be played with others. If you think WoW isn't a "game" it shows your inability to work with others.
You should try Cataclysm Classic, when it releases on April 30. It's a mix between classic and retail I would say. The world was completely overhauled, questing is more fun, and there are more abilities and professions. But it's still play like intended in classic, and not a given tutorial path.
Playing an MMO solo is like going to a bar by yourself when the bar is actually closed.
is he gonna continue with retail or Classic? surely can't do both
i thought this video was 1 minute and 37 seconds long. oh how wrong i was.
Think day9 glazes over part of the point behind the "1 cosmetic > than WoL profit", which is that if you are the company behind deciding what you put your engineers to work on, that data makes things interesting to say the least.
Oh I'm especially looking forward to Day 9 being one third into BfA's levelling content and then being summoned to assist on the Dragon Isles, skipping an entire expansion's worth of story development in the process.
This was definitely an adventure.
This series is showing why classic is so beloved by working dads everywhere over retail.
"Now I'm watching characters from FROZEN yelling at each other" that right there
From an outsiders perspective, it seems like Blizzard have basically given up on attracting new players and instead focussed on their core community of existing players.
There is no way they are not aware of how overwhelming and confusing this must be for new players, so they must have judged it not to be a priority – which is an enormous mistake.
I do agree that the retail experience seems awfully hand-holdy. I also agree that is suffers from massive information overload, and a general lack of actual hot-key based, combat oriented gameplay. That said, Sean has a tendency to rant about having no idea what's going on while at the same time ignoring any information given to him. He just keeps clicking things. I've noticed this in other games as well… the Jester puzzle in DD2 springs to mind…
So obviously the Gross sales on SC2 were higher, but making digital horses has 0 overhead.
I dont know if it's true, but it actually seems incredibly plausible,
Remember it was NET PROFIT that was higher, not SALES
When the game starts story-heavy, people cry that there's not enough gameplay, when it's gameplay-heavy, people cry that there's no story, WoW just can't win. :
Retail has no reason for leveling, it's a loop that purely takes place after being a geared max level character. They need to just get over it and remove leveling
its actually crazy that he is like 5-6 hours in and is yet to get out of the tutorial
Play Classic Hardcore. I think you'd really enjoy yourself.
This kind of the problem with WoW. How do you catch someone up through 8 expansions of lore without them having to play through them. BFA and Shadowlands are not good intro experiences. Dragonflight will be a much better intro for new players once The War Within is out.
48:00 that Tiger Woods analogy was so hilarious and spot on LOL
ironically even though they tried to make a new tutorial to do a new player experience, classic/vanilla wow has the best tutorial ive ever seen in a game. you just get placed in front of a guy, just far enough that you have to learn to walk forward to talk to him. he gives some short context and something to find and kill..with 1 ability. you know how to move, how to click, and 1 is your ability. go wild. it takes all of like 10 seconds before you're set loose and you learn everything by being set free to do it.
He really needs to figure out how to use his spells correctly and start enganging enemys from max range instead of like 10 yards. its so hard to watch as caster main XD
I agree about store items. People who complain about wows store are usually just whining. However, I know there are people who dont have a problem with the store, but they do when blizzard barely adds any cool mounts to earn for free or the store mounts are leagues better than the mounts you can earn.
never really thought about how much context you miss from the beginning of the kul tiras quest line if you didn't listen to the warbringers song or don't have warcraft 3 in the back of your mind
I disagree with Sean's take that it's missing "gameplay". It is literally presenting you the gameplay of WoW, it's just that he doesn't consider what WoW offers to be gameplay. WoW is not centered around fighting random mobs in the world anymore. It's run here, click this, go here all the way down. That's not a value judgement, but it does mean that what they present is literally the game.
It's also worth noting that WoW didn't get this way because Blizzard thought it was a great idea. One of the major changes, the constant quest markers, came from the community modding in quest tracking. At some point blizzard realized they have to design around a community that had gotten used to quest tracking, and once you start doing that it only makes sense for you to include trackers in the base game, since that's now what you are designing for. It's misaligned incentives. A playerbase that wants to optimize the game until it isn't fun anymore, and a studio that doesn't care to take the toys away from them.
only an hour in but I'm pretty sure he has a total of 2.64 min of actual gameplay
This is my exact issue with retail. There is so much time spent watching people talk. Sure the voice acting is good and so is the music. The story is alright, once you figure out whats going on. But so much time is spent sitting there watching chat bubbles. Its so stupid. Just make a cutscene, or actually give us a dialogue screen during the rambling so we can SKIP IT.
So it is official. Retail sucks! ♥
41:06 thats the place where i wiped for two years. Miss you BFA