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30:00 Not entirely ignorat given Kael's FATHER did hide even if other elves helped.
1:03:47 I hope they don't remove old BRD, it ahd some fun trash design, and several old golem models didn't make it into the remake.
Honestly not a huge fan of the titans being THIS orderly even after we saved their butts.
3:11:32 Wait where is the blight said to melt the spirit?
4:05:27 EHhhh there was always an indication that the Lich King's Valkyr were modeled on something from the Vrykul's existing religion in order to recruit them. Legion just showed us Odyn and Helya were the original.
Something I find interesting is that there's an arc that starts with Wow Vanilla, and ends in Legion, of the two main state actors, the Hord and the Aliance, gradually disgracing themselves and losing ground to none state actors, to include the player characters. You start out as, effectively, mercs recruited to handle small scale local problems so that your faction can divert more forces to stand off against each other. By Wrath, you and those like you are among the only ones who can get anything done as the Hord and Aliance struggle to even hold beach heads. You end up working with the Argent Crusade and others like them, again none state actors who don't align with either faction. And then by Legion… Well, we know what happens in legion. I almost think that BFA would have been better if they had framed it as both governments trying desperately to reassert their authority over a mercenary adventurer "class" that's gotten completely out of their control, and which is very likely more popular with the masses than they are. Buuuut Bliz didn't do that soooo… Oh well.