World Of Warcraft: SECRET Cave under Tomb of Sargeras!

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World Of Warcraft: SECRET Cave under Tomb of Sargeras!

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9 thoughts on “World Of Warcraft: SECRET Cave under Tomb of Sargeras!”

  1. The cave is most likely a remnant of when they were designing the area. If you do the intro legion questline scenario you will see there are some caves that are not present in the world map that were around during the scenario. So taking that in mind they likely removed objects (caves are terrain objects) and placed them in places only devs would/should see. Best example of this was the original entrance in EPL to Naxxramas, they moved the entrance down under the ground 150 yards when they launched WotLK.

    Always remember the developer industry motto "It's cheaper to save it then delete it". Comes from the idea and thought of someone spent time creating it so saving it even if we don't use it now we might in the future saving us development costs

  2. I have a theory that the cave is a unused modeled version of a secret treasure room unlocked by a quest line behind deliverance point and a goblin girl gives the quest and it ends with you capturing a Wyrmtoung demon and making him trade treasure keys for nethershards and you can get some collection items from him


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