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World Of Warcraft: SECRETS Outside Halls Of Origination
Join us as we explore the hidden secrets outside the Halls of Origination in World of Warcraft. From hidden bosses to rare treasures, discover the secrets that await you in this exciting WoW adventure! Don’t miss out on these amazing discoveries, watch now and see for yourself!
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Keep up the great work, but drop the countdown. Just release the video. My opinion.
You have been doing a great job. And saying Cata is good is not wrong. I enjoyed Cata. – Check out this channel! Please give my friend here a Sub. 🙂 – ATN Discord
you mentioned the music being perfect, but we can’t hear any of it! Maybe leaving zone music on at a low volume next time?
Cata was the most fun for me as well
I haven't played WoW in years, probably before Cataclysm came out, so I don't know many of the zones. It's still really interesting to see.
I remember the massive door in Tanaris back then, with people endlessly theorising what Uldum was about, trying to get into the zone. My imagination went wild about that zone, I used to love desert areas.
Great video!
i love Cata too! i started early in BC…by the time Cata came out i'd figured things out prettty well, and had the BEST crew. I miss it
The endless desert reminds me of dune
Congratulations on getting an affiliate/sponsor, hopefully the first of many.
I am like number 40
When you go and do the Classic Dungeons again, I'd like to know if there's any difference in the out of bounds areas of Stratholme: Main Gate & Stratholme: Service Entrance. Anyway, love watching these videos & I look forward to many more to come!
Cata was a great expansion for me too. Probably the most fun I’ve ever had with a great guild. It wasn’t until the end of the expansion that the lack of end game killed my guild and people left in droves.
This OOB Credit goes to Submerged or "The Shadowed One" 🙂 – forgot to mention in the video! Want to make sure credit is due with this stuff.
all this sand kinda looks a bit…U N T E X T U R E D …hahaha…Just kidding ! 😛
Bro congrats on the affiliate links and SUPER COOL stuff in Uldum! Making me think twice about ignoring Retail for this long 😉
the start of cata was really good
Not Alladin…. Stargate.