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Exile’s Reach is a 1-10 leveling zone introduced in the Shadowlands expansion, designed to help players new to World of Warcraft learn the mechanics of playing the game, using in-game commands, and developing their class. It’s a beautifully-designed zone with important lessons built into each quest. Experienced players should also try the zone for its storyline and gorgeous scenery — and they might even learn something they’ve forgotten along the way!
The storyline is nearly identical for both Horde and Alliance players. The cast of characters is different, but they all perform the same roles and follow the same storyline through to the end. Most quest names are the same; the only place the quests differ at all is during the introduction of Vehicles in the Saving Family section.
It begins with a hunt for a missing expedition and goes through a shipwreck, an attack by quilboars, the rescue of a major character’s family member (in the Alliance storyline, it’s a son; in the Horde side, it’s a daughter), a class-defining lesson from a ghostly master, further rescues of expedition members, all culminating in a 1-5 person, 2-boss dungeon experience.