World of Warcraft – Shadowlands Expansion Cinematic Trailer

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The veil between life and death is no more. Discover what lies beyond the world you know in the next chapter of the World of Warcraft saga–Shadowlands: Coming 2020.


27 thoughts on “World of Warcraft – Shadowlands Expansion Cinematic Trailer”

  1. Че за x, она сломала шлем и произошла неведомая детская фигня, но сила шлема не в шлеме а в камне, который остался цел, там душа Нерзула, шлем просто проводник, штаа

  2. I'm not sure what I find more insulting: the complete butchering of Sylvanas' character and everything that made her interesting and instead of turning her into a generic villain, or a character who relied on stealth, tactics and ranged attacks can suddenly strong-arm the toughest guys in wow like it's nothing. Or the fact that Blizzard actually thinks we wanted this.
    This is almost as bad as what they did to Jaina. Oh yes, let's take the internet's biggest sweetheart and turn her into a hateful bitch with a crappy love-interest nobody cares about. Fans will love that.

    But what really sucks is that WoW has shown to have such great potential with its characters, so it pisses me off when they make such terrible decisions when you know they can do great things.

  3. I lost my interest in the Warcraft franchise since Blizzard started World of Warcraft, but the videos they still make to promote their games keep impressing me as the first one I watched once about Warcraft II.

    They are the best in the entire video game industry in this matter.

  4. Unleashing all that rage… her hatred for everything and the suffering she endured having to do with Arthas and the litch king, damn. No wonder she could destroy the helm!

  5. I am angry because I hate sylvanas.
    I want to see sylvanas die right now!
    We don't care about sylvanas alive.
    Send to the hell. This is payback time.😠😠😠😡😡😡


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