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Hello! I continue to develop the story, I also decided to go through the Plaguefall dungeon, but on the last boss we could not beat the team
Globgrog – The exact nature of the plagues and oozes disgorged by the House of Plague’s fall may never be deciphered, but the collection of slimes and flesh that became Globgrog will guard this treasure fanatically.
Doctor Ickus – The destruction of the House of Plagues and the slime eruptions left in its wake will not stop the presumed genius of Doctor Ickus and his deranged experiments.
Domina Venomblade – Domina Venomblade believes the instrument of her revenge for the fall of the House of Eyes rests with Plaguefall. No one, not even her former allies will keep her from gaining the weapon hidden in these ruins.
Margrave Stradama – It was believed that Margrave Stradama was destroyed in the explosion that brought down her house. In truth the explosion transformed her into a monstrous new form, driving her mad, and leaving her at the heart of the fallen House of Plagues.