World of Warcraft Shadowlands In-Game Cinematics Part 3 Reaction!!

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Continuing Shadowlands we see the two very different worlds of ARDENWEALD and REVENDRETH. Both are ruled by very different rulers each with uniquely driven motives. However one thing they have in common, is the drought!

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1. “Can’t Sleep” – Eveningland

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4 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Shadowlands In-Game Cinematics Part 3 Reaction!!”

  1. The Orc that has been tortured in Revendreth is none other than Garrosh Hellscream – Main antagonist of Mists of Pandaria and son of Grommash. He has so much anima that this real literally uses him as an extra supply of magic

    Gargoyles of Revendreth are confirmed to be a fake demons of Legion, that was known as Dreadlords. One of the Dreadlords – Mal'ganis, was the one who has driven Arthas to claim Frostmourne. Other Dreadlords are known for stealing the Helmet of Domination and the Runeblade Ftostmourne from Shadowlands, and trapping the spirit of the Orc shaman Ner'zul inside the crown, turning him into the first Lich King

  2. So, the bear is called Ursoc (or was, better said), a wild God. He got corrupted by the Old Gods and had to be killed.
    How you deducted, wild Gods go to Ardenweald to begin a process of reborn, but due to the drought of anima, his soul had to be sacrificed for a greater good.

    *Revendreth is a place for punishment and redemption. They use your anima while you are in the process, till the moment you asume your crimes and grow into a respectable person. If you are irredeemable, they send you to The Maw to suffer forevermore. Their lider is called Denathrius and he's alligned with the Devil (Zovaal the Jailer) helping him to scape The Maw. And yes, Denathrius is practically Dracula, he has a castle and all.

  3. I'm so happy you recognized and remembered the Ysera cinematic from Legion. Also, the Orc from Revendreth cinematic is Garrosh Hellscream – the same one from MoP & WoD.


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