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Blizzard reveals a new gameplay trailer for its newest World of Warcraft expansion, called Shadowlands, which will be released on October 27, 2020.
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WoW there are some negative comments here from people who don't even play the game. One of the largest gaming communities enjoys the game and wish it success fyi. We are in it for the story. Start talking once a successful WoW killer comes along.
So where was the gameplay part? I missed it
Do you guys still not have phones??
To enter shadowland you need to die in raid and dont rez.
How about instead of cashing in and making expansions of more of the same.. trash this old game and make a new one from the ground up, a true next gen MMO. Put this aged garbage out of its misery already.
Shadowbringers > Shadowlands
How come people like these crappy graphic games?
Dead game
It doesn't look all that dark for a place called shadowlands
Eh, FFXIV is more fun, and gw2 is there for people who want a faster combat system. The day of WoW is over.
change the video title, this isn't a gameplay trailer that was last year this is just to announce the release date
right before the dam elections
IGN miss labeled it as a gameplay trailer when on the world of Warcraft channel it’s a release date announcement, use your brain before posting a redundant unnecessary negative comment.
Recommended specs: Intel Q6600 & Geforce 9800GT 😂😂
Man Final Fantasy looks western
will this game become reforged 2.0
still lame as ever, just do another game blizzard
Nice to see this game still Shitting on Fortnite 👌
I first played wow in 2004. It’s 2020 now and the game trailers are getting worse.
I hate changes
People still play this game?
lol if they really show the gameplay Blizz would be laughed out of the building
I am missing the old PreRendered/CGI trailers Blizzard used to put out for these expansion trailers. I suppose they have let go of most of, if not all, of that team or just don’t want to spend the money?
Looks like the same old boring stuff. Entire game's budget just went to Bobby Kotick
PS 1 game graphics
Nice mobile graphics
15 more dollars sir and 15 more ty that will be 15 more dollars too and 15 more please 🙂
Funny how there news how the game will delete the Data of wow lol with the dlc
Black blood elf dont exist
A gameplay trailer with no gameplay🤔
I mean If people want gameplay watch those in beta at the moment to find out what this game holds
Is wallet cleaning time.
Yawn, kids game
Where's the rts game man???
Post Malone: …Wow…
I mean it can't be worse then BFA right?
Lets be honest: This looks great actually graphically, and design and music is the best in class when it comes to the artists and developers, Blizzard employees killing it with the look in general. The colors the shapes the animation -not exceptional but not average either-. But the gameplay is going to be the same as the first expansion. The same old map layer/design, with similar story line through the areas, with different color-schemes and monsters who fit the environment… There is an order to all of their expansion that they follow project-wise. They never divert to different directions, always the same experience.
The only sad thuth is why me and my friend coming back year after year because there isn't a better mmo out there. IF there is, in more aspects than not, let me know. I've seen them all, and all of them got some serious design flaws, or micro-transaction greed, or whatnot.
So defeating The Litch King caused Shadow creatures to form their new empire?
Literally no part of this video features even a millisecond of gameplay.
If IGN can't get it right, what are we supposed to expect?
Holy hell this looks generic. Seriously nothing about this is even a little exciting….