World of Warcraft: Shadowlands – Official Story Trailer

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Through the Jailer, Sylvanas Windrunner plans to seize control of fate itself—but at what cost? World of Warcraft: Shadowlands—Coming Soon.

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39 thoughts on “World of Warcraft: Shadowlands – Official Story Trailer”

  1. I played warcraft 3 and the burning legion plot was very mysterious it would have been better if they continued with that story line instead of changing it to completely cater to the horde VS alliance Guild pvp. I was really expecting a warcraft 4 where the alliance and the horde battle foremost the burning legion invasion and its agents in the world of azeroth. Even maybe a campaign by the orcs to find a new world but now with all focus on the limited world of Azeroth expanding it to the maw and shadowlands is just like adding the undersea Naga and now with some jailor. Seem just like an elf thing like when Illidan was imprisoned by the warden. Without the burning legion their will never be sadly be a Warcraft 4 and without a new campaign will a new generation be attracted to the Warcraft universe or will the current horde and alliance fan base actually be loyal enough to polong the franchise for decade.

  2. The story of Warcraft has gotten so pathetically childish and the plots are so full of holes now that I wonder – Are these people even trying any longer? If "you can't escape THE MAAAAAW", then at least make it a challenge!

  3. This trailer showing Sylvanas' expression shows that she has hope of the Jailer's success to fulfill the promise he made to Sylvanas and the Mawsworn agents who want freedom and independence from the cosmic forces even though she says that she wanted to destroy hope in the universe.


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