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(1080p is still processing! sorry!) Another expansion, another realm first / server first on US Azgalor connected realms (Azgalor/Azshara/Destromath/Thunderlord/Blood Furnace/Mannoroth/Nazjatar)
Even with the Alliance disadvantage of 30% extra experience compared to the Horde’s 10%, still managed to get it this time.
Time was roughly 5 hours and 55 minutes, but we lost a little a good amount of time due to server issues. First time that’s happened to me in many launches.
I had to logout to fix a quest, which was a mistake, that ended up giving us character not found problem and I honestly thought it was over at that point not knowing if I’d get back in the game.
Then the same thing happened to leveling partner who DC’d trying to mount the Maldraxxus boar (which happened to me during out test run, so I was scared to click it).
Also for some reason we were outnumbered by the Alliance, which is exactly what we were all saying would happen because of the 30% exp buff they get, but it still worked out in the end.
Only had to disable war mode once to fix a bug in ardenweald.
PS. WoW Devs please bring back realm first achievements now that it only takes 5 hours average to do! Please and thank you!
0:00:00 – Chit Chating
0:08:33 – OMG IT BEGINS
1:07:00 – Horror Strikes
1:17:40 – We Back Boys
2:33:30 – Revenge of the Disconnecting Boar
2:50:00 – Exiles reach saves us
4:00:00 – Alliance earn their 30% xp buff
4:14:00 – Back to war mode!
6:00:44 – The Final Quest!
#WorldofWarcraft #Shadowlands #RealmFirst60