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To old and new adventurers alike: Hello, and welcome to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands! After playing through each zone, I am attempting to tell the quest-zone stories. After you finish each zone, come back here for my take on the storyline! This is BEFORE you commit to a covenant, to keep things nice and simple. If I missed anything really cool (like a special side quests that adds to the main story) let me know in the comments down below!
Story from the “Afterlives” shorts were taken into account to fill in plot gaps.
Twitch: Twitch.TV/TiptoeTheTank
(Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon @ 11AM PST/2PM EST)
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(For Hellfire Fables)
Tiptoe is the creator of Hellfire Fables, a weekly fictional adventure into the weird, tragic, and obscene. Available wherever you get your podcasts. Come and visit Tiptoe on Twitch most days to catch the stream live.
Great video! Just what I needed <3