World of Warcraft Shadowlands Thoughts

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Just a little follow-up of sorts where I ramble about what I think of Shadowlands. Spoiler: It’s not for me.


6 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Shadowlands Thoughts”

  1. I agree, I don't like the Maw. I'm looking forward to 9.1, though, because they're completely revamping it. But yeah, right now I have no motivation to do anything in Maw.

  2. Fair enough if the story is not for you personally, I quite like it 🙂 I think shadowlands has gotten into that comfortable cycle and I think that's why a lot of people have left as its not fresh anymore, as a xpac to come to every time there is new content then its great but as a xpac in general I would say its good

  3. SO Shadowlands was ok for the first 2-3 months. but now same stuff every week. i am bored as fuck now. wasted potenial ? idk. SL cant entertain me again maybe i play wow since 10 years lol.


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