World of Warcraft Shadowlands Torghast FPS testing Apple M1 MacBook Air 2560×1600 native

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Some impressions from World of Warcraft Shadowlands in Torghast, testing the Apple M1 MacBook Air. This was recorded after already playing 5 hours in 2560×1600 resolution.
There was about 20% battery left and the heat was ok but the FPS started to drop off after 5 hours.

0:04 – Settings
0:08 – Killing 1 Mob (usually FPS 55-60)
0:15 – Killing 3 Mobs with many visuals (usually FPS around 30)
0:44 – AOE in 2560×1600 (FPS can go down to 20-25, same in 5 person dungeons)
0:50 – Settings and AOE in 1440×900 (more stable FPS, can drop to 40-45, same in dungeons)


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