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I think this sums up the new player experience in league of legends pretty well.
Soda if you are watching this: I'm BWL attuned and raid buff booned
NA silver is actually EU Iron because i have seen forsens teammate make better decisions in iron than in pepperonis team in silver
League of Legends, a game I picked up after quitting World of Warcraft to focus on collage. I picked it up because well it isn't grindy, you can just pick a character play a game and get off…. right?
WRONG- This game consumed me, it was always One more Game, ONE MORE GAME! okay Just ONE MORE. Such a endless time sink with no meaningful progression unlike gearing in a MMORPG. At least in WoW if you played forever you got a lot of cool shit you were able to keep. Anyways, I finally had to quit that shit League too. I remember traveling and I bought the Wifi for the plane just to play League on the plane and at my destination for Christmas I became anti social to just play a few more games. That is when I finally quit that shit for good, well for obvious reasons.
ayy at least with dota its 50/50 if I hate my life at the end of the game lmao 7k hours later….
league is the main example of how ppl think in real life… they think they are waay better than everyone else meanwhile 90% of players have 50% wr and just has a fed up ego because they managed to get to plat/emerald since they have been playing the game for the past 3-5 years. just get ur high horse and actually try to learn something baboons.
lil bro thinks he's forsen
Even if I wanted to play the client won’t even let me play anymore if it’s not vanguard having issue it’s says the servers are down for me
the Logan one was epic xD
For a long time I thought if i just got better at league I would enjoy it more but eventually I realized even if I got better I would still not find it fun so left and have not looked back in a few years.
Druid merchant playing Lillia, how appropriate xD The whole experience was 100% genuine solo q shitfest u get on a daily basis, but the lets queue again part resonated the most.
that drake bit is funny
Soda went into the League mental cycle extremely fast lol
“What was i stunned by???” No mana…
Even winning doesn't make me feel good…the truest statement about league ever made…and then the following "let's queue again" really hit's home lol
whats the backstory , how come he tries league of legends?
Flaming on yuum is crazy
That’s basically my Teemo support when things go bad
Wait wait wait what Teemo top thinks they can flash Q at level 1? Dude should’ve picked up more brain folds at base
Yeah how crazy is it that when you first start a game you aren't instantly amazing. What a shocker!!!
Lmao that Mundo top
First clip is a level 12 jinx vs a lvl 17 blue kayn lol, not unbalanced jinx is probably 1-11 after getting hard gapped botlane and kayn is 10-1 with 250 farm at 26 mins
Yea i feel like league needs to do a better job of separating the players who often carry, and the people that mostly just get carried, like if i have a game where i do good and am the only one that was able to win lane i should have my lp mitigated and the players that died 10 times in 15 mins lose the extra bit that i had mitigated on top of their loss
Also because soda is decent and has already played mobas i bet u it has him in like smurf lobbies to punish him for playing well
Lmao this bums, wow pvp is worse for sure.
4:14 "In the literal next game he is given a team of people so dense that light bends around them…" lol
The Ai narrator makes it unwatchable
soda and nick played league of legends back in 2012-2013.
wow player talking about having fun
i dont get it, soda has played a lot of league before this on stream, he plays lilia, nidalee, lee sin, and kayn…what is this video?
He already understands the league mentality.
sida hahaha
Rav, are you swedish by any chance? 🙂
dat Kanye album in a synagogue reference was nice :3
Exactly ur either in the winning team or losing team without balance, maybe 1/10 games are nice, balanced doesn't matter if u win or lose, that 1/10 game is nice