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World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Classic! Comprehensive Arms Warrior Guide PvE [T]/
/cast Mortalstrike
-This makro type can be used for Execute, WW, Slam, Hamstring and so on
/cast Cleave
-This one is for Cleave, Heroic Strike or Sweeping Strikes!
/equip Name of one handed Weapon
/equip Name of Shield
/cast Defensive Stance
/cast Shield block
-Your Best Friend after you pulled threat!
/cast [target=mouseover,exists][] Mortal strike
-This Makro type is used for mouseover and is funktional like the normal spell if there is no mouseover found
————————————————————————– link for Swing Timer:
————————————————————————– link for Ragebar:
————————————————————————– link for Sweeping Strikes:
0:00 Intro
0:55 Characteristics
2:46 Makros
6:20 Rage Bar and Swing Timer
15:42 Single Target DPS
26:29 Aoe/Cleave Dps
40:08 Stats
45:50 Talents
Hey bro can you tell me what does more dmg. Arms with 2h or dual wield
big video big boy <3
Love the dark souls music.
For the real chad warriors, The initiation starts in dark souls.
Is it worth going sword spec even as Orc? Are axes a lot worse?
How do u cancel your heroic strike queue ? Can u paste the macro ? or is it more buttons
Thanks for your video guides! They've helped me a lot. My guild got super strict about who they are putting on our Hyjal / BT roster. They specifically want 1 Arms Warrior, so I had to give up on Fury and bust out my Twinblade of the Phoenix. I studied your guides and got all the weakauras. Ran TK/SSC with guild last Tuesday and BOOM, Arms instantly beat all my old Fury Parses LOL. ♥
Sidenote: Having gotten used to precasting slam, there is something about the way it sounds when done right that is extremely satisfying. It has a certain beat to it lol. "slam+ auto then Mortal strike" is like Clink Clank Clunk! The Arms Rhythm. xD
The real Problem in TBC is it to find a guild who needs a DPS warrior in this phase of TBC. :/ That is very demoralizing when you really want to play this class and no other.
Schubdiwubb??? 😄😄😄
Wonderful guide my man. One question: What WA do you use that causes your abilities to float to the left on your screen after use?
So if I'm using the latency slam method, I want to hit slam once the swing timer is about to hit tick on the left side? Am I understanding the concept correctly?
Pretty sure start attacks are no longer needed in the modern client. I haven't tested it with everything but it seemed that when I had /stopattack in my mouseover sunder for PvP that as soon as I did a regular MS or Sunder on a PvE mob my character automatically started attacking again.
Thx for the guide- it s awesome. Can someone explain me how i have to handle the swingtimer delay. Do i have to get the delay near 0 and i m good with it or hast it to be between some numbers?
what about equiping dual wield weapons (belong to spec) while execute phase is it worth it ? for example i use kingsdefender 1,6 in mainhand and 2,70 sword in offhand for extra gain of hc strike queue and can use execute like every gcd
Hey, love the In-Depth guides! 🙂 Just a question regarding your statement about going as much armor pen as poss. In your BeastMode tier list you go for the Tier 4 set bonus (e.g. no ArP gloves) You`re still going for the BeastMode list, no? Without the maximum ArP poss? 🙂
tnx mate, this guide is awesome
Would you be willing to go over some tips on how to maximize deeps while keeping up tc/demo shout?
Hey man 🙂
Would you use ms on cooldown or delay it to get that auto slam combo even if it means losing on cooldown value? Auto slam over Ms ?
Man I'm in love with arms its just the way to go . Oh and glad to see that 3/3 imp recklessness, I thought I was alone 😎🤙
Have you tried a 29/32 build? Or a variation of it? Getting DW, sword spec, Improved disciplines and all of flurry, BT, and still one point in imp WW? I thought I saw you playing with a spec like that in one of your videos. If you have how did you like it?
great guide and video as usual.
question – does trinket swapping sapphire for DST cause DST to not be able to proc for 30s? similar to if you swap sapphire for brooch, you can’t use brooch for 30s.
thanks again!
Maybe better question for Fight Club discord, but Unbridled Wrath, 1 rage on 40% of swings iirc, over a 3min fight at 2.5 weapon speed maths out at 72 rage, so I get the appeal, but Booming voice gives a full 3mins with the 70AP from Solarians Sapphire, also saving 10 rage and a global during the fight. Mathing out the rage gain from 70AP is beyond my theory crafting abilities tho….
@Konter I am using the swing timer WA from the description but it is not showing the slam delay just the weapon speed and the tick marks. Any idea what’s wrong or video for setting it up?
hey Konter love the guide. I have a question about the swing timer weak aura*. When i import its not showing up on my screen until i attack something. I can't find a way to keep it permanently on screen. The rage bar works fine tho. Thanks for all the advice
Crazy Guide, I would like to see an Gear Guide – like what to prioritise First. From fresh 70 to BT ready.
Keep up the good work
Insanely good guide, but i just can't seem to get the rythm and constantly clip my auto attacks, as i get more grps as arms i will stick to kebab to not gimp my DPS, i actually get better parses with it lol… Cataclysm edge is still fun in pvp tho haha
whats the intro music called?
Hey man thanks for the nice video.
What kind of addon or Weakaura ist it that keeps track of your used abilities by sliding the Icons to the left?
Hey don't know if this was answered anywhere already but would someone be able to clarify why the start attack macros for cleave and HS are reversed to /cast Heroic Strike then /startattack?
One big question I've had is executioner or mongoose on your weapon? I've had a hard time finding good resources that can explain which is better and when. Thanks, great video!
Hey, great vid!
I didnt quite understand the part regarding the "benchmark". When you say that a benchmark of around 2 seconds is good, what are those 2 seconds? I dont understand the reference 🙁
Those weak auras are great! Great guide
… You skipped improved demo shout. It's going to be entirely necessary for progression in sunwell, at least.
Dam, Thank you so much for this. Subbed
I'm wondering, can a latency be so low that the slam cast will not work with the swing timer? I'm currently at 0.12 and it still refreshes my swing when i press slam – i have a latency of 14
Hi Konter! What is this WA you have where there's flames coming from the bottom of your screen and swirling light from the top?
Is this still viable ?
Love the ds music
Excellent & I learned a lot!
Great video
Amazing guide, thank you.
It is so rare to find a comprehensive in-depth breakdown of the warrior rotation.
You got my like, and I hope to see more videos from you! Also nice dub in the background 🙂