World of Warcraft The War Within Announce Cinematic Trailer Reaction | Echoes of Azeroth

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31 thoughts on “World of Warcraft The War Within Announce Cinematic Trailer Reaction | Echoes of Azeroth”

  1. If you want to know more about her, Bellular has a great Video from her "The Entire Story of Xal'atath, From The Black Empire To War Within" – Ofc you can watch it off Stream for Knowledge if ya want to ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. An awesome video! But Xal'atath the Harbinger has a critical ally in how she obtained that artifact you see in the trailers! I would recommend the videos concerning the story of DF where it seems you left off in this order, and you'll learn about this ally!: Vault of the Incarnates Finale Vault of the Incarnates Post Raid Cutscene Secrets of the Reach (artifact's first appearance) Opening the Way A Matter of Time Dawn of the Infinite Interlude Dawn of the Infinite Finale Fury Incarnate Cinematic Fury Incarnate In-Game Cutscene 1 Fury Incarnate In-Game Cutscene 2 A Crown of Flame Cinematic Iridikron and Vyranoth Parlay Cinematic

  3. Xalโ€™atath is a void entity that was trapped into a weapon that shadow priests could use. When you had it equipped, it would talk to you to try to get you to do what it wanted. People loved it so much that they called her โ€œknifeuโ€ (knife + wifeu). She convinced the players to break her out and then she stole the body of a dead elf. Now she is up to something but we have no idea what it is or who she really is yet.

  4. That line "The drums of War, thunder once again" carrys so much weight for anyone who's been playing WoW since the beginning. The last words that were spoken in the original cinematic before the World of Warcraft actually kicked off into what it is today.

  5. I highly recommend some more platinum wow videos, he does an amazing job going over the general lore of the charecters and world while keeping it funny and telling it in a way that is easy to understand.
    Also a great dude.

    Xalatath is a character with quite a long story behind her, and I highly recommend checking out Platinum wow's video about her entire story. Amazing video, and will let you know everything you need to know about her, which will be very important speaking of the upcoming 3 expansions.

  6. Yay, I've been waiting for this one! Xal'atath has been in game since Legion. Every player that played as a Shadow Priest was infatuated with her because she whispered to you (actual audio) so you had a lot of time with her. She was also super sassy.
    Also the last cinematic has bits of the others because WoW will be 20 yrs old this November and this xpac is the culmination of the last 20 yrs of story, as per Chris Metzen who is once again in charge of the story narrative.

  7. You should check more of PlatinumWoW videos.

    "Warcraft's New Master Manipulator" is all about the new villain of this expansion.

    "The BEST Written Dwarf in Warcraft History" is also very good since she will be one of the protagonists of this expansion.

  8. I've been playing WoW since the very beginning and even I have no idea who she is. LoL but, I do agree. She's a breath of fresh air after Zovaal and The Primalists. One of the old devs is back to sort of lead the way on this one. It feels like an ending. T_T

  9. I really enjoyed Bellullar's video titled "The Entire Story of Xal'atath, From The Black Empire To War Within". It's very well edited and explained in a nice manner that's intriguing! Definitely excited for you to dig into Xal'athath's lore in general… Knifu needs more exhibition!

  10. We as players know very little about Xal'atath however she's been part of the WoW lore universe for quite some time and she's been pulling strings here. Think of her like Sauron from LotR, thousands of years means nothing and is willing to wait until the opportune time.

  11. In Legion every Class/Spec has a very unique weapons. Paladins got the legendary Ashbringer, fire mages got Kael'thas Sunstrider's sword, the Felo'melorn, etc etc. Shadow priests (I am a one) got the Blade of the Black Empire, Xal'atath. She is a void entity and had unique voice lines that was reactions for my ingame actions. If I killing the same monsters again and again, she spoke: "Boring." or "Every little death helps." ๐Ÿ˜€ So in Legion's end we priests lose her. After that in BfA she has emerged and we helped her to escape from the dagger and got a physical form. That form you can see now.

  12. The awesome dragon is a phoenix mount called Ashes of Al'ar. You get it from Kael'thas in the eye, Tempest Keep. Took me years to get the stupid thing to drop (Arthas still won't hand over his undead horsey!).

  13. So, there are already few ingame cutscenes preceding the start of the War Within but I think you should wait a bit longer to watch those when the expansion starts so there will be more cutscenes ๐Ÿ‘€ for now, I recommend watching the video everyone here recommends by PlatinumWoW โœจ

  14. Xal'atath was, I kid you not, a knife that priests used in Legion. yes, she was an old god before that but that's not important, she was a knife, and that is what's important. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  15. I would highly recommend watching Platinum WoW's video about Xal'atath titled "Warcraft's New Master Manipulator". Platinum's video does a great job at explaining who Xal'atath is for new people who have no idea who she is. She's a really great villain.

    After that video, if you are interested, you should watch Bellular Warcraft's video on Xal'atath titled "The Entire Story of Xal'atath" , as it's more targeted towards people who already have some idea of who Xal'atath is, and skips over some basic, but important, details.

  16. Ive been playing WoW since i was 10 years old. I love all of your wow reactions ive seen them all so many times and im so happy to see you guys react to more. Need to make myself a whisky warbringer one of these days ๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ’–

  17. Others have given you context to who/what Xal'atath is, a void entity initially trapped in a dagger that Shadow Priests used during the Legion expansion (all classes and specs got their own lore-heavy weapon for that expansion).

    But i just want to say that I think Xal'atath has the potential to be what Blizzard so utterly failed to do with The Jailer during the Shadowlands expansion. They propped The Jailer up as this masterfull 4d chess expert that has been playing people and factions for millennia to get what he wanted. All the bad things we had in our world was no longer because of the evil people we vanquished but it was all just puppeteered by the Jailer. Before the start of Shadowlands, no one had heard of The Jailer. Everything retroactively being ascribed to him, because reasons.

    Xal'atath on the other hand, was introduced to the broader audience with Legion, which released back in 2016. Players took a liking to the weapon and all the sassy whispers it told the wielder. Talking about "upstart godsesses" and how the Burning Legion with all its demons was just a nusaince, indicating that she (or her faction) was very powerful. She made a cameo in Battle for Azeroth when we released her from the dagger and gave her a body, the elven body she has now. We don't really hear about her during Shadowlands, but in the cinematic at the end of Dragonflight's Megadungeon we see the Primal Incarnate Iridikron walk through a void portal and for a fraction of a second we see the shadow or silhouette of an elven lady on the other side.
    Can't remember if the backstory of the dagger was revealed through the tomes each class had explaining the lore of their weapons or if there are old questlines in the game hinting towards the existence of Xal'atath's dagger, but even if we really did first meet her in Legion that was 8 years ago, with most expansions at least having brief mentions or indications that she's doing stuff in the background.

    The Jailer was "Tell, don't show" and Xal'atath is "Show, don't tell".
    Her brief appearances has shown us that even if we don't know what her plan is or exactly what she's up to, she has been doing things. If this was the first time we heard about her I have a strong feeling that the reception would be a bit lukewarm considering how they handled The Jailer, but because it is a character that we've known about for years, brief appearances, always been mysterious yet clearly having a plan or an agenda. This is a well established character that they have slowly developed and now see an opportunity to develop her further!
    Will be interesting to see if they can keep that storytelling going!


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