World of Warcraft The War Within Reaction | Threads of Destiny

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Hope you enjoy our World of Warcraft The War Within Reaction as we check out some cinematic trailers including Threads of Destiny and a video from WoWhead recapping the story. See all our WoW reactions in this playlist

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31 thoughts on “World of Warcraft The War Within Reaction | Threads of Destiny”

  1. I love world of Warcraft so much ive been playing the game since i was about 10 years old and im now 22 the game is so special to me and i have watched every one of your wow videos and i look forward to every new one. I love you both so much 💖

  2. Here's my problem with it. The spider people have been around since warcraft 3 and their histories always been a mystery. And now we see it's just the orcs again. Except drinking demon blood it's old God blood. Like they couldn't of mixed it up just a little bit. I hope the mom is still alive cause the typical story is always helping the progressive child killing their corrupt tyrant parent. Do the opposite and deal with the struggles of a parent having to accept, yeah I need to help stop my own pet sperm.

  3. World of Warcraft has been knocking it out of the park and into another universe with a W after W after W the things that they have been coming out with have me so hyped to see what Xal has in store for us, she just makes for such a epic badass villain.

  4. The end of the story with Ansurek has a fun call back to Azshara's Warbringers trailer, as it ends in a similar fashion, a Void Being Warping a group of peoples and claiming their leader as their Queen, not in support but ownership Also Neferess, her mother, has a rather interesting fate in store for her

  5. The spider people are called Nerubians, and they have been around since Warcraft 3, actually. However they don't show up too often because of their location, having mostly been localised to deep underground in Northrend, where they were at war with the Lich King and his undead scourge. They haven't prominently appeared since Wrath of the Lich King, so this is the first time we're seeing them return in a while. And even in Wrath their content was severely cut, they were originally going to have a raid for their capital city, Azjol-Nerub, but it was pared down into two dungeons, but with TWW we're getting a whole zone, several dungeons and for sure a raid surrounding them.

  6. If you are interested in getting to know some characters like who xalath is and who she’s fighting against. Then I definetly recommend the video by Platinum WoW regarding Alleria Windrunner, she’s going to be the person hunting Xal in the expansion and she’s Sylvanas older sister, she also has some crazy lore that would be good to know before the expansion hits that I think Platinum WoW does a good deal on telling. Alleria also got a new cinematic, but I heavily recommend the Platinum WOW video on Alleria

  7. Yaay, you guys are so back in time!! Xal'atath draws near 👀
    Also, you should definitely check out 2 cutscenes that have been out for some time: Dark Heart In-Game Cinematic and Patch 10.2.7 Alleria Cinematic before diving into *Alleria: Light and Shadow*. Trust me, you will be glad for the context ✨

  8. A little theory:
    Xalatath is a Naaru or was empowered by one.
    Naruu are crystals of light (Illidan destroyed one with his eye beam if you remember.) When Naaru run out of energy, they fall into the void (The giant crystal in Hollowfall can do that too ^^.)
    Now there are some Naaru, and there are 2 of them that are void.
    One is called “Xe'ra” and if you look at it, and the scene when Xalatath floats in front of the Old Queen in the video, you can see quite a lot of similarities in terms of attitude and clothes.

    So I strongly suspect that she is either a Naaru (which would be a bit easy) or that she was “touched” or empowered by one).

    Early access starts on the 22nd 😉 and it's going to be so cool!

    Oh yes, for the Old Gods! For the void <3
    P.s Have you already watched the animated cinematic of Alleria ? <3 Mega cool. Unfortunately it's missing here.

  9. Nerubians have been around since the original RTS games. In Wrath of the Lich King, Arthas even raised some into his army of scourge. These ones are unique in the sense that Xal has transformed them into bipedal supersoldiers.

  10. Xal'atath itself isn't really that elf and to call it "female" is kind of not the most precise description.

    It was literally just the first corpse lying around that the dagger found and corrupted. Though Xal'atath may allow it just to seem more personable and more effective in manipulation It is an entity truly beholden to itself. Players first interacted with Xal'atath in its' dagger form in LEGION of all expansions back in 2016, although you had to be a Shadow Priest, so not many player did as SP is historically one of the weakest classes throughout WoW's history to find and use the blade. So it's not just you, MOST players didn't interact meaningfully with Xal'athat as she's been in the background through Legion and only came to the forefront in BfA. Now a simple unassuming artifact weapon from 4 expansions ago is the herald of the next big threat to Azeroth with all the Old Gods dead and Sargeras as well. Nobody knows what to expect from here.

    Also cool that we're going back to basics with the Nerubians, our first meaningful interaction with bug people since the days of Ahn'Qiraj, an old raid where we killed our first Old God in Classic WoW, C'Thun. (Still campaigning for you guys to react to barny64, great videos documenting one of the coolest world-events that this game has ever saw, the Scarab Lord Adventures Series is GOLD Youtube content and barny's won some community awards and recognition from Blizzard in some ways for the series.

    Either way yeah if nothing else, the WoW narrative is now going to be able to refocus after the disjointed mess that was Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands plot, now that we're back on that core story-thread that's been running since the beginning, Azeroth's World-Soul and what will become of it pretty much everything that's happened is somehow linked to this core conflict especially the Burning Crusades/Old God stuff.


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