World of Warcraft Villains becoming uncanny

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26 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Villains becoming uncanny”

  1. I have no idea why this video blew up so much but I can't thank you enough.

    Wouldyou guys be interested in a longer video with my controverisal opinions? Such as a tier list. (Naturally it wouldn't be for villains, maybe raids or dungeons)

  2. Deathwing was amazing apart from the Deathwing bossfight itself, most of the story and setting of wod was amazing too and the raids were banging (and the Gul'dan follow-up bossfight in Legion was one of the best fights in WoW history)… And N'zoth had an amazing patch, but he should have had more than just one patch honestly…

    I don't necessarily disagree with Sylvanas though, or the Jailer.

  3. When they screwed up Deathwing I was just disappointed. When they screwed up WoD as a whole I was annoyed. When they killed all hype and suspense around N’Zoth and made him an awful end of expansion raid boss I lost all faith in WoW’s storytelling.
    The Jailer was just a confirmation. Also, the major mechanic of the fight being “don’t fall into holes” really sealed the deal.


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