World Of Warcraft: War Within Cinematics (Part 1)

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World Of Warcraft: All War Within Cinematics


23 thoughts on “World Of Warcraft: War Within Cinematics (Part 1)”

  1. This turned into a horrible anime, omg the nerdy look in a age of dungeons and dragons??? the furries and the colorful hair, I used to love wow until we reached the fifth expansion, the rest is super meh, also how to train your dragon?? really?

  2. +3 years free of WOW …

    I feel much better , life is full of positivity , kids love me more and wife do not miss me. What made it better i removed Battlenet and banned all Blizz games from home. I swear the only sad thing about this is me when i remember how much money i have Blizzard.

    P.S. Can tell the story is just a recycled shit with a God knows how much reskinned modles and mounts that goes no place and only waste time with the usual : NEXT PATCH WILL FIX IT !

  3. Bearded woman, unbearded softboy dwarf, amputee, wheelchair archmage, king, who understood that fighting bad, healing good, dwarves giving other dwarves advice of self-identification – everything for the first time in warcraft in the same expansion. No matter how good they will make the story, their all-in strategy on those sweet DEI points leave a really bad taste in my mouth

  4. looking at this i guess most of us made the right choice when we saw they made this Frankenstein of female/black/handicapped person as the main character and right there and then decided to skip this expabnsion…if this in itself isnt an insult to all these groups then i dont know what is….3 for the price of one of political correctness main character lol how blatantly fake, grotesque and insulting….all in all the downfall of wow we all expected if it continues the woke route but hey….now when concord shut down all that massive audience it had before it shut down might now gravitate to wow so i guess it was worth it ditching all your old school player base that played for last 15 years

  5. the cinematic is still bad even after the burning crusade, no wonder why i dont pay for crap like this, the only thing there is to this game is world top 10 first race in mythic and dps meter, the game design is so bad its cringe even a guy with no education could do better than hallow blured rocks ingame


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